The attack also results in more than 150 injured and serious property damage.
When sharpening the marketplace in the Sudanese city of Omdurmán by paramility for rapid support (RSF), 54 people were killed and another 158 were injured. The city is located at the confluence of the blue and white Nile. On the opposite bank lies the capital Chartum. TASR took information from AFP and AP.
Eyewitnesses of the attack for AFP said that sharpening came from the western part of the city where the RSF troops operate. The staff of the nearby Al-Nao Hospital told AFP that it was not able to handle the onslaught of severely injured people who flow to the hospital.
The sharpening has already been condemned by the Minister of Culture and spokesman for the Sudanese government Khalid Alejšír, who said there are many women and children among the victims. He also explained that the attack caused “extensive damage to private and public property.”
In Sudan, since April 2023, a war between the Sudanese army led by the country’s factual leader of the country General Abdal Fattáh Burhan and the paramilitary forces of rapid support (RSF), led by the former representative of Muhammad Hamdán Daklá, has been running. The war claimed tens of thousands of victims, driven millions of people out of homes, and many residents were on the verge of famine. Fighting has been taking place for a long time in the wider area of the capital, including neighboring towns Omurdam and Bahri. Daklou recently undertook that the army from the wider surroundings of the metropolis will be completely driven out.