Hospital and doctor will have to pay 1.4 million per delivery that left baby with cerebral palsy

by Andrea
Hospital and doctor will have to pay 1.4 million per delivery that left baby with cerebral palsy

Hospital and doctor will have to pay 1.4 million per delivery that left baby with cerebral palsy

Lisbon court sentenced, 16 years later, the delivery that made Ana with a 95% disability.

At D. Estefânia Hospital in Lisbon, Sandra, lawyer, arrived to have her daughter in 2008, on the “day she would do exactly 40 weeks of gestation”. It was reported that it would be hospitalized and would have an induced delivery, since it had swelling and the results to the tests so dictated it.

However, it tells, Sandra ended up being Almost 2 and a half days in labor.

On December 10, it is written in the hospital records, “came from the birth block to the ward for lack of vacancies, very tearful and complaining, with infiltrated serum.”

And it always walked in a come and go: day 11 was again transferred to the 5th. Floor for lack of vacancies, having returned at 10:30 am to the delivery room. No examination, however, suggested that there was any problem with the child.

Only on December 12, after 10 minutes without registrations of the baby’s heartbeat, the results are worrying.

The doctor decides to carry out a giving birth by suction cup and/or forceps. 16 years later, the medical advice ensures that it was a mistake: “If the fetal suffering occurs before the expulsion period began, a caesarean sectionintervention that did not happen ”.

In addition to this decision error, the instrumented delivery was also poorly performed by the doctor: it did not end the process, as it realized that the second spoon of the Forceps was poorly placed. Who took over the delivery was, from then on, the team chief.

Sandra’s daughter, Ana, “was born at 1:32 am, pale, without crying, without breathing movements or the members and heartless“It reads in the documents evaluated in court. “It suffered, effectively, a intrapartum asphyxiation. ”

“The first heartbeats were four minutes into the life,” and who performed the resuscitation was an internal pediatrics.

Ana has a “Inability corresponding to 95%, Don’t talk, don’t walkdoes not control the feces and urine, does not assume orthostatic position, has no cephalic control and does not dominate hands, constantly loses saliva through the mouth, emits guttural sounds and cries. ”

Now, the hospital and the doctor will have to compensate the family in almost 1.4 million euros, Much, the Court guarantees to support the health spending and specific equipment of the young woman.

The Court also condemned the insurers Loyalty (kept a € 500,000 € coverage with the hospital) and Ageas, who had a contract with a contract to cover 15 thousand euros.

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