House of Representatives elements president of the House and Board of Directors; Follow live

by Andrea

The House of Representatives holds this Saturday (1) the election for the presidency of the House and Directors.

Three candidates had made an intention of disputing the presidency of the House: Hugo Motta (Republicans-PB), Pastor Henrique Vieira (PSOL-RJ) and Marcel Van Hattem (Novo-RS).

The deadline for formalization of applications ended at 1:30 pm on Saturday. For the formalization of parliamentary blocks, the deadline was until 9am on the same day. Two hours later, at 11am, a meeting of leaders is scheduled to choose from the board members.

House of Representatives elements president of the House and Board of Directors; Follow live

The inauguration of the new legislative session will be in a joint session of the National Congress. Already the first preparatory session, in which the new president will be elected, will be in the Plenary.

The winner will need to get absolute majority of the votes (257) to be elected in the first round. If there is a need for a second round, it will be enough for the candidate to be the most voted to finally define who will occupy the chair of the presidency for the next two years.

Parties may form blocks if they wish to increase their representativeness and participation in the distribution of committees and board of directors. The mandate will last four years for the commissions and two years for the Board of Directors.

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(With Agência Brasil and Agência Câmara)

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