Employees of the area of Social Communication of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) released this Friday (31) a manifesto against the management of MARCIO POCHMANN in the organ. The text accuses the current president and advisers nominated to impair IBGE’s institutional role with a number of measures, including prioritizing the dissemination of an avalanche of Pochmann’s agendas and accomplishments to the detriment of the country’s main economic indicators, produced by the organ.
“Communication professionals brought to IBGE by mr. Pochmann overpassed career servants and imposed a dynamic that saturated the IBGE page on the Internet, IBGE agency and the institute’s social networks with news about the president and his achievements, to the detriment of the essentially relevant releases, news and posts on The results of the Institute’s research, ”says the manifesto addressed to Brazilian society.
“” Parallel IBGE is overshadowing the IBGE that really interests Brazilian society. The disclosures about GDP, inflation and unemployment, including the long -awaited results of the 2022 Census, had to give way to the avalanche of news about Pochmann management. Much of the news released by the IBGE agency over the past year is composed of texts by praising the management of the current president of the Institute, written under the guidance of his advisers. ”
The servers recall that the IBGE released over 2024 data on the record of unemployment rate, the reduction of the population below the poverty line and the first results of the 2022 demographic census including information about the population living in slums, but retrospective From the agency about last year, which would have been written under the direct supervision of the communication advisor appointed by Pochmann, focused on the president’s achievements. The servers accuse the unlimited advisors appointed by Pochmann to use the IBGE communication apparatus for personal promotion.
“The work of IBGE communication professionals is aimed at translating the results of our research into a language accessible to the ordinary citizen. Our contents are conveyed to IBGE’s press and media. The use of IBGE’s social communication apparatus for personal promotion is a disrespect for the essence of the official statistics institutes, ”the servers criticize.
Workers also report that Pochmann management “maintains a hostile relationship with the national and local press, refusing to meet their demands and merely answering their questions through late grades published on the IBGE portal.”
“Pochmann, unlike almost everyone who preceded him in office, to this day has not given a press conference that covers the IBGE routinely, preferring to talk to foreign correspondents,, bloggers friendly or with isolated vehicles, chosen without any transparency, ”detail the Institute’s social communication workers. “The chronology of requests formally forwarded to the IBGE media is ignored. This frontally contradicts the ethics of IBGE relations with communication vehicles, which requires respectful and equitable treatment to all journalists, regardless of the vehicle or location they work in, including the 27 Federation units, foreign correspondents or even journalists from other countries, which often send us email requests. ”
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The servers also mention that the advisors appointed by Pochmann maintain authoritarian relationship with the agency’s career servants, with dismissal positions led in a disrespectful way.
The technicians responsible for the disclosure work would be overloaded by an “avalanche of articles on Pochmann management”, running over the disclosures of “fundamental indicators”, such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP,) inflation, unemployment, crop, industrial production, sales of Trade and service, among others.
“In addition to obliterating the most important function of IBGE, which is to inform Brazilian society about its reality, This parallel news has generated a huge overload of tasks for journalists, designers and other communication professionals from the institute ”says the text. “Another huge source of friction is on opportunistic tours around the country, which hitchhikes the busiest IBGE disclosures, such as the 2022 census and some annual research, for a parallel agenda of Pochmann and his advisers, including contacts with several local politicians . These trips cause absurd spending on passages and daily, when everything could be done in an organized and free way, from video conferences. ”
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The servers indicate that it is “questionable” the direct appointment of communication professionals whose only function is to disclose Pochmann management: “They are personal advisors holding public and paid positions with public money, including a myriad of daily and airline tickets, which are all recorded on the transparency portal ”.
The statement recalls that Pochmann and aides spent this week touring the different regions of the country to publicize a work plan in five different capitals, but the script left out Rio de Janeiro, which concentrates the organ’s headquarters and most of their Servers, who have been publicly manifesting discontent with the current management for months.
“For all this, IBGE’s communication professionals have been sympathized with colleagues who asked for exoneration of management positions, coordinators, managers and ENC colleagues who protested through the press against the misconduct of the current management and with Assibge , our union, ”conclude the communication servers.