With the PL in the first vice-presidency and the PT in the first secretary, the leaders of the House of Representatives defined which parliamentarians will occupy the board of directors for the next two years.
Fluminense federal deputy Altineu Côrtes will occupy the first vice-presidency. For the first secretary, the PT indicated Pernambuco Carlos Veras.
See how it was division of the Board of Directors:
- First Vice-Presidency: Altineu Côrtes (PL-RJ)
- Second Vice-Presidency: Elmar Nascimento (União Brasil-BA)
- First Secretariat: Carlos Veras (PT-PE)
- Second Secretariat: Lula da Fonte (PP-PE)
- Third Secretariat: Delegate Katarina (PSD-SE)
- Fourth Secretariat: Sérgio Souza (MDB-PR)
Those nominated by the parties, in agreement between the leaders, were announced by Arthur Lira (PP-AL), who has presided over the house for the past four years and walks to the ally Hugo Motta (Republicans-PB) in office for the next biennium.
Hugo Motta has the support of 17 parties for the election to be held this Saturday (17). Together, the subtitles total 488 deputies.
With such support, Motta is accredited to overcome the record of Lira’s reelection as president in 2023, when he received 464 votes in the plenary.
Motta disputes the presidency against Marcel Van Hattem (Novo-RS) and Pastor Henrique Vieira (PSOL-RJ). The new has four deputies and PSOL, 13.
Board of directors
The Board of Directors of the Chamber is composed of several positions, with different attributions, which include administrative but also political decisions.
According to the housewife of the house, the election for the board of directors is made in secret vote and by electronic system, “requiring absolute majority of votes” – but, given the consensus built around Motta, the nominations already announced by Lira must be confirmed.
The Functions of the Board of Directors:
- First Vice-President: It is the one who replaces the president in case of absence. In addition, it has the function of preparing opinions on information requirements and resolution projects.
- Second-Vice-President: Replaces the president in the event of the absence of the first vice president as well. According to the House, it also “encourages the institutional interaction of the Chamber with state and municipal legislatures”, as well as examining reimbursement requests involving medical parliamentary expenses.
- First secretary: It is responsible for administrative tasks. It is also in charge of sending information requirements to ministers, for giving inauguration to the Secretary General of the Bureau and the Director General of the House. The first secretary is the person responsible for ratifying the chamber’s expenses and accreditation of advisors, press professionals and service companies.
- According to secretary: It is the one who takes care of the international relations of the house with embassies, performing, for example, the emission of passports to the deputies. It also takes care of university internships and the supervision of campaigns of the House in institutional profiles.
- Third Secretary: This secretary is responsible for the analysis of license requests, justification of lack of parliamentarians and the prior authorization of reimbursement of international airlines.
- Secretary room: It is responsible for supervising the House Housing System.
The leaders also agreed by the indication of the alternates. They are divided first, second, third and fourth alternate and replace their secretaries when they are absent.
See the nominees for the substitute:
- 1st Substitute: Antonio Carlos Rodrigues (PL-SP)
- 2nd Substitute: Paulo Folletto (PSB-ES)
- 3rd Substitute: Victor Linhares (Somos-ES)
- 4th Substitute: Paulo Barbosa (PSDB-SP)
* With information from Manoela Carlucci and Leticia Martins, from CNN, in São Paulo