Former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) called for unity for his party’s bench at a meeting at the earlier headquarters in Brasilia, with deputies and senators, sources told the political broadcast.
The appeal occurs moments before the elections for the next presidents of the National Congress. In the case of the House, the PL is in the favorite block, Hugo Motta (Republicans-PB), but one of his opponents, Marcel Van Hattem (Novo-RS), has the possibility of attracting votes from the Bolsonaro party, admitting deputies of the bench .
Van Hattem’s candidacy has openly supported the approval of a project that grants amnesty to those involved in the undemocratic acts of January 8. In addition, the deputy of the new defends the establishment of an impeachment process against President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.
At the PL meeting, sources say, Bolsonaro stressed that, in this context, it is important that the party deputies walk together and fulfill the agreements already established in the composition with Motta. Voting occurs secretly and is scheduled for 4 pm. The PL bench in the House has 92 deputies.