Avocado is a real treasury of vitamins. It is a source of antioxidants and healthy fats, as well as dietary fiber, B, C and E vitamins, folic acid, copper manganese and zinc.
Supports the heart, digestive system and sight, shows anti -inflammatory properties and slows down the aging of the bodyand this is only part of the advantages. In a healthy diet, it is worth reaching for the fruit regularly, but choosing the perfect specimen in the store can be a challenge for inexperienced people.
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Various avocado varieties are available in stores. The most popular is green shepard, which encourages you to buy a lower price, smoothness and color, only slightly changing your maturedAnd, thanks to which it looks fresh longer.
The black avocado Hass variety is more expensive. In addition to the difference in the price, the fruit is also darker, it has a rough skin. When he reaches maturity, he is almost quite black.
However, its butter consistency and a rich nutty taste can tempt. Black avocado is ideal for Guacamole or Smoothie. Green avocado is recommended for salads and dinner dishes.
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You don’t know how to recognize that avocado is mature and healthy? In the case of a dark Hass variety it should be dark, but still firm and slightly soft. However, the skin cannot be too mobile. If you give in to the movement of the hands under pressure, this is a sign that the fruit has reviewed and can be broken.
In the case of green avocado shepard, it is worth looking at discoloration on the skin. They should not be, and the fruit cannot be too soft. However, it is best to make sure you eat your consumption by detaching the tail at the top. If you can see under it, the juicy-green avocado pulp is healthy.