At issue an “unlavoded milk”. In December the first collection of collection had been made; Now the level of risk has gone to the highest.
Thousands of packages of chips Lay’s are being removed of the shelves of the stores of United States of America.
The FDA – US Food and Drug Administration had already issued a first collection notice last month. At the time, more than 6,000 packages were removed in Washington and Oregon.
But this week this warning was updated: higher risk levelaccording to the agency responsible for food control in the US.
Remember the origin of this decision: “Unsclapled Milk”.
Apparently milk was inserted into the potato formula, and this problematic ingredient identified is a risk for people with severe sensitivities or allergies.
Now that the lay’s are at the highest risk level, “class I”, this means that “use or exposure to a violation product will cause serious adverse consequences for health or death”From the consumer.
The most recent case in the US, which also reached this high risk was that of Kirkland eggs sold in Costco. 10,800 packages of 24 eggs were removed – described as biological and created in pasture.