Last December, Ukrainian President, Volodímir Zelenskiprohibited transit for its gas pipelines not only of Russian oil, but also from gas from Azerbaijan. Even so, the Slovak Prime Minister, Robert I amHe believes that the solution is that Azerbaiyan gas flows to Slovakia through Ukrainian traffic.
According to the media “The agreement would only be carried out on paper: Azerbaiyan would buy Russian gas to be able to send his to Slovakia.” The Slovak president is based on the case of Hungary. “Ukraine has tolerated the transport of Russian oil to this country since last year“says the publication.
“The Hungarian part buys it even before the pipeline takes it to Ukrainian territory, so it is formally flowing through Ukraine as Hungarian oil, and kyiv turns a blind eye“, he says. Although the energy experts consulted by the medium claim that it would be”A Putin operation under the Aliyev flag. “
Even so, Zelenski knows very well that the gas labeled as Azerbaiyan “would be totally or partially Russian”, which is why he prohibited his passage in December. Besides, Take advantage of the situation to win the US PresidentDonald Trump, who threatened the European Union that “if their countries did not begin to buy more oil and natural gas, It would impose tariffs to its imports to the United States“.
Even so, Zelenski has rectified, and this Thursday said that will transport “with pleasure” Azerbaijan gas to Slovakia. Given President Trump’s refusal to provide more help to the country, Zelenski “must look for a source of income to strengthen his defense and this can arrive thanks to transit rates for gas transport.”