Uranus’s five -month relegation ended on January 30, 2025. As this chaos and innovation planet resumes its direct movement in Taurus, we are offered the opportunity to embrace the change as before. Uranus transits each zodiac sign for about 7 years, and from March 2019 it is in Taurus. This transit will continue until July 7, 2025.
The outer planets remain longer in each zodiac sign, offering crucial, transformers, which require time, experience and often significant efforts to be fully understood.
Uranus symbolizes surprise and transformation, freedom and individuality. This planet inspires superior thinking and a collective vision of the world. To embrace Uranus’s energy means to accept the change – a change that, no matter how we feel about it, is always aligned with our supreme good. The challenge comes from the fact that Uranus is the supreme unpredictable element, bringing transformations that we often think we do not want. But in reality, in 99.9% of cases, exactly these changes are the ones we need-we have not yet realized.
Transformer healing by the energy of Uranus and Taurus
The essence of the bull is deeply anchored safely, especially in terms of financial stability and material goods. Being a sign of land, the bull tends to withstand changes, especially the unexpected. Its energy is methodical, working and sensitive. For many Taurus natives, the adoption of a new perspective or method can be a huge challenge. Once a bull makes a decision, nothing can deviate it from the way.
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When we combine the planet of the Revolution and the surprises with the stable and rigid energy of the Taurus, we are in a constant-dynamic struggle that we have been sailing for over six years. During this period, a major emphasis was placed on finance and material resources, and for many this transit has brought significant challenges. The increase in technology has led to the replacement of jobs, automating and digitizing becoming an essential part of daily life. Many have faced financial difficulties, having to rethink how they earn.
All these are manifestations of Uranus’s transit in Taurus, which cause us to re -evaluate the true value of things in our lives.
As we face more and more changes, we begin to understand the importance of self -sufficiency – not only as a source of support and guidance, but also as a way to build our own path. This transition revealed a painful reality: the supporting systems we rely on in the past become more and more fragile. The people we consider pillars of our safety either withdraw, or completely disappear from our lives. As a result, we must return to ourselves, use our own resources, skills and critical reasoning to solve our problems.
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In the last five months, Uranus retrograde in Taurus pushed us to explore more inner safety and support systems. Now, as Uranus resumes his direct movement of January 30, 2025, we will come out of this period with more confidence and clarity on our resources and capabilities. Repeated, we are invited to accept the change and use it to our advantage. By using our strengths and connecting with a support community, we can learn to truly prosper.
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