State Secretary of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic Štefan Kuffa had a light traffic accident on Friday (24. 1.) on the highway near Poprad. He got a skid as a result of a slippery road and a truck that orbited it. Later she found that He crashed at the service of Treňák, behind which he was supposed to have a wheelchair with a wooden load. The car can only be used for service purposes and did not want to say for what purposes it was transporting wood.
The commentary on the bizarre accident of the State Secretary did not delay the film producer Wanda Adamík Hrycová (46), who wrote on Instagram. “Shoe straw or vice -minister spot does not shake,” noted. Photo of her post can be found in the gallery!
Kuffa, according to the ministry, remained at the scene of the accident and has worked since the beginning with members of the Police Force. He also underwent a breath test for alcohol, which ended up with a zero result. No one was injured in an accident. The motor vehicle is owned by the resort and its repair will be paid from the accident insurance.
According to the Secretary of State, every material damage can be replaced, but human life is not. “Never overestimate your skills and drive carefully. I was lucky in misfortune and I am grateful that nothing happened to anyone, ” reacted Kuffawho added to the television that the truck was pushing it out and ended up next to the side of the ditch.