Who does the child inherit the beauty? Scientists know the answer

by Andrea
Who does the child inherit the beauty? Scientists know the answer

The appearance is determined by genes, but they do not always break down evenly – sometimes those passed from the father and mother enter into conflict, then they win the stronger one. Importantly, a lot depends on individual predispositions, including A pregnant diet or a diet of nutrition, this has an impact on which genes will have the advantage.

Barry Starr geneticist in an interview with Parents.com indicates that even examining the entire DNA of the fetus would not be able to determine certain appearance features. This is due to the fact that genes control it, but they will look like a child, but they are so unpredictable that it is difficult to determine. The offspring inherit genes from mother and father, which is why it can often happen that it is somehow a “copy” of one. Other times, he only has the same eye color. Interestingly, children of the same parents can inherit different elements of appearance, e.g. the oldest will have more features from their father, and the youngest after the mother. There are many combinations of genes – the set that the child will receive.

This is influenced by recessive and dominant genes. The first are those that require two copies from both parents, so that a given feature reveals itself. The dominant gene needs only one. Thus, if the child is given two copies of the recessive gene, responsible for blond hair, it will have such, even in the case of parents with dark hair. However, in this case, e.g. a recessive gene responsible for blond hair had to appear in the family, e.g.

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No, Jendak If the parent has dominant genes, it is more likely that the child will inherit them. What are these genes responsible for? This is, among others Crooked nose, freckles, dark hair, brown or green eyes. At the same time, even if the parent has green eyes, it does not mean that his child will also have them, if they meet recessive genes, it may have blue or beer, but it is rarer. On average, it is determined that this probability is about 25 percent, but there is a lack of research that could undeniably confirm. As Starr indicates, although you can presume the child’s appearance, looking at the dominant genes held by parents, you often have to wait for the toddler to be born to be able to see who he inherited the characteristics.

Importantly, some genetic predispositions can only be inherited from one of the parents. For example, a child can inherit a gene responsible for a tendency to obesity from the father – it is mainly about the method of fat accumulation. In addition to inheritance from parents, genes from grandparents sometimes play an important role, including with the mentioned hair color or eyes.


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