Famous marmot Phil, who, according to more than 130-year tradition every year on February 2, on Hromnice, will pull out of the Gobbler’s Knob forest near Punxsutawney in Pennsylvania, USA after waking up and crawled back to the den. This marmot’s behavior according to the legend means that winter will take another six weeks, He writes TASR according to AP report.
If the marmot of his shadow – on the contrary – did not see, the rest of winter would be mild and spring would come early. So -called. Groundhog Day is very popular in the US. Also this year, Phil’s waking up to Nore thousands of curious people came to watch. Many have been on the spot since the late night, while waiting for them was folk music or even fireworks. Among the spectators this year was the governor Josh Shapiro, deputies at local and federal level, as well as two winners of beauty contest.
As is customary, the marmot did not remove from the burrow, which is a tree cavity, anybody but one of the gentlemen dressed in a tailcoat as with cylinders on their heads from the club’s club. The gentlemen ask for the prognosis and then officially announce it.
The ceremony in Punxsutawney, approximately 105 kilometers northeast of Pittsburgh, has been practiced since 1887 and is based on the legend of German settlers. They claimed that the marmot would just wake up from winter sleep. If he sees his shadow, he runs back to the burrow and Winter will continue for six weeks, while otherwise the early spring can be expected.
At the same time, other American states, such as Western Virginia, Ohio and Georgia, also have marmot for meteorologists, but Phil is far from the most famous. His glory was immortalized even in the film on Hromnice a day more (Groundhog Day) from 1993, where actor Bill Murray played the lead role. Phil predicted longer winter more often than early spring. In one of the attempts to analyze the accuracy of his predictions, it was concluded that he was right in less than half of the cases.
According to AP, Phil has “wife” Phyllis and two chicks born this spring – Shadow and Sunny. The family likes to consume fruits and vegetables, it is visited daily by someone from the club and at least once a year visits a veterinarian.