Dates are already available to plan 2024-2025. As of March, the Tax Agency will make the access to their fiscal data available to taxpayers. In April, from day 2, you can start delivering the Internet documentation and request appointments for the administration to provide telephone service. Later the face -to -face channel will open for assistance in tax offices. The deadline for submitting the statement will end on June 30.
The income campaign that starts in a few months refers to the income obtained last year. This is because the payment of the Income Tax of natural persons (IRPF) is always made with lag. Or, rather, after the periodic withholdings made in the IRPF, in this case in 2024, the Tax Agency calculates if it has to return money to the taxpayer this year because it has paid taxes of more or if, vice versa, the statement goes out to pay in favor of the administration. The declaration must include both work and savings yield work, or if you have one or more employers.
Main dates of the IRPF campaign
- As of Wednesday, April 2, the Internet declaration can be presented.
- From April 29, until June 27, it is possible to make an appointment – by the Internet or calling – to prepare the Declaration of the IRPF with the telephone assistance of the Tax Agency.
- On May 6, the deadline to submit the declaration of income telematic with the telephone assistance of the Tax Agency is opened.
- As of May 29, until June 27, you can request a face -to -face appointment at a tax office.
- The face -to -face statements begin to be submitted on June 2.
- June 25 is the last day to domicile payment if the statement goes out to enter.
- June 30 is the last day to submit the statement.
All taxpayers who want to make their statement with the help of the Tax Agency, which can be telephone or face -to -face assistance, must request an appointment online or calling. Likewise, all the procedure, whatever the channel that is chosen to present it – by the Internet without help, with support from the administration via telephone or in offices – will be carried out electronically.
As of March 12, the taxpayers may request their reference number, which serves to download the draft income made by the Tax Agency. Shortly after, on the 19th, the taxpayer will have access to their fiscal data through the agency’s mobile application, which can be downloaded in any operating system or with a QR code of the agency, or its website. with the aforementioned reference key, certificate or electronic ID, or with the mobile cl@ve (formerly cl@vein). This is the information that the administration has available to the declarant, and it can be modified if its fiscal situation has changed with respect to the previous exercise.
April 2 is the true starting gun of the campaign, since from that date the statement can be presented, although only by telematics. At the end of the month, on the 29th, Those who wish may begin to request an appointment to make their internet statement with the telephone help of the administration. The last day to arrange the appointment is June 27. Those who choose this channel must take into account that the first business day to perform telephone procedure with assistance from the Tax Agency is May 6.
Taxpayers who prefer to approach some of the offices that the agency has throughout the territory will have to wait a little more. The first day to request an appointment is May 29, until June 27, and the start date to do the procedure in person is next June 2. ; Two days before, the 25th, is the deadline for domiciled payment if the statement goes out to enter. June 30 is the date marked in the calendar for the end of the campaign for all taxpayers.