The time is coming when It is worth starting to think about the upcoming season in the garden. What’s more, some issues already require action so that they can bring the expected results. Among the works in the garden, which is worth doing before the actual start of the season, there is, among others, sowing of the forecrops, which are the key to healthier and fertile soil.
Healthy and abundant crops in the greengrocer are the result of many components, including fertile soil rich in nutrients. To get one, it is worth trying to sow the forecrops. What exactly is it? This is a kind of “regeneration” for the soil preceding another cultivation in the same field. Often, pre -tribunes are called substitute plants.
The order of various plants grown as The forecrop before the regular season allows the soil to gain strength and not to erosionlosing valuable minerals and becoming compact or impermeable. Therefore, the forecrop acts as a natural fertilizer and a loan, which prepares the land before another cultivation, enriching it with nutrients, limiting the development of weeds and improving its structure.
The benefits of using forecrops are therefore a whole bunch. This is the so -called “starting energy” for future plants that affects their health and abundance of crops. The fertile soil with a better structure is more easily absorbable nutrients and better water permeability to deeper layers. It’s also soil with a higher nitrogen content, and also with a reduced degree of erosion. The forecrop is also a good solution to drown out the development of undesirable plants, i.e. weeds.
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Green fertilizers, i.e. plants that work well as forehead, It’s a hit when it comes to good soil preparation for vegetable cultivation. This is an ecological and effective solution for which your garden will be grateful to you. Thanks to this, the soil will be in better condition and richer with nutrients. For this to happen, it is important, however, to choose the right forecrop, and it depends on the type of vegetables that you want to grow and on the soil conditions themselves.
Among other things, a good solution will be Bobowate plants that will provide nitrogen soil. For example, lupine or feature will enrich the soil with this ingredient, and also improve its structure. On the other hand plants such as white mustard or radish have phytosanitary properties, So they protect against pests and diseases, providing natural protection for future crops. If you want to take care of the soil loosening and limiting the development of weeds, reach for blue facel.
Preparried should be selected for soil conditions and planned plant cultivation. The spring forecrop is best to sow as soon as possible, i.e. in March or April. Beaver plants that will work perfectly, even for pumpkin or tomato cultivation, will work here. 2-3 weeks before the main crop, the forecrop should be dug and mixed with the soil, to spread out and release the nutrients. Thanks to this, the soil will be ready for vegetable cultivation.
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