Find out how and when to prune the hydrangea to make it flourish more beautiful than ever

by Andrea

Do you want a luxuriant and flower fullness? Knowing when and how to prune it is essential for abundant and spectacular flowering. But be careful: each variety has different needs, and a timing error can compromise the growth of the plant.

The pruning It is a fundamental step to maintain thehealthy and lush hydrangeabut it’s not just about cutting the branches at random. If you want a spectacular flowering, you have to know when intervene and, above all, come do it correctly. Not all hydrangea The same growth rules follow. Some bloom on the branches of the previous year, others on the new ones. For this reason, a wrong cut can lead to a season without flowers! The choice of the right period for the pruning It depends precisely on the variety you have in the garden. In this guide, you will find out what are the Two main groups of hydrangeasthe ideal time to prune them and the best techniques to make them grow more beautiful and stronger. Ready to give new life to your plants?

How to prune the hydrangeas that bloom on the branches of the previous year

Not all hydrangeas must be pruned at the same time, and some varieties require particular attention. If your plant develops gems on the branches of the previous yearyou have to perform a delicate pruning so as not to compromise the next flowering. Among the most common varieties are theHydrangea macrophyllawith its large spherical flowers, theHydrangea seratwith flat and refined inflorescences, theHydrangea asperawith velvety leaves and theHydrangea quartifoliawith leaves similar to those of the oak.

For these hydrangeas, the ideal pruning must be done immediately after floweringbetween the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. Since the buds are formed before winter, a late cut could compromise its growth. Intervene lightly, removing only the dried flowers and dry branches without shortening the plant too much. If you have doubts, slightly scrapes the cortex: if it is green below, the branch is alive and should be left. If it is brown and dry, you can eliminate it. To avoid stagnation of water, slightly cut the cut towards the outside. Following these simple rules, yours hydrangea They will continue to flourish luxuriantly year after year!

When and how to prune the hydrangeas that bloom on new branches

If your hydrangea belongs to the group that develops gems on the branches of the current yearyou can be more decisive with pruning. These varieties do not depend on old wood to flourish, so you can intervene without fear of compromising the following season.

Among the most common we find:

  • Hydrangea paniculatawith its characteristic cob -shaped flowers
  • Hydrangea arborescenswhich produces large rounded inflorescences

These hydrangeas must be pruned At the end of winter or early springbefore the vegetative recovery. If the plant has grown too much, you can drastically shorten the branches, leaving Only two gems at the base. This will stimulate the growth of large and lush flowers.

If, on the other hand, you want to maintain a thicker and more compact appearance, you can simply shorten the branches leaving Three save. In both cases, the result will be a strong and well balanced plant, ready to give you a spectacular flowering in the summer.

How to take care of the plant after pruning

After carrying out the pruning in the correct wayit is important to dedicate some fundamental attention to your hydrangea to guarantee it a healthy and vigorous growth. The location is an essential factor: this plant loves light, but it must not be exposed directly to the sun in the hottest hours of the day. The ideal is to choose an area with partial shadowwhere it can receive enough light without risking suffering the excessive heat. Irrigation also plays a crucial role: the ground must remain constantly humidbut without stagnation of water, which could cause radical rot and damage the plant.

To encourage lush growth and abundant flowering, it is useful to integrate a specific fertilizer for hydrangeasrich in phosphorus and potassium, essential elements for the development of flowers. If you live in an area with rigid winters, it is essential protect the base of the plant With a layer of mulching, so as to prevent the frost from damaging the roots. With these simple but effective care, yours hydrangea It will always be strong and luxuriant, ready to give you a spectacular flowering every year.

When to prune hydrangeaWhen to prune hydrangea

Now that you know all the secrets for perfect pruning and correct maintenance, you just have to put them into practice!

Photo © Stock.adobe


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