This week brings sun, but with low temperatures, especially at night.
After several days with and a lot of rain, wind, thunderstorm and snow, fruit of three depressions, this week begins – and should end – with solwhich should shine at least until the 9th.
The Portuguese Institute of Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), however, foresees a Decrease of minimum temperatureswith a difference around the ten degrees between the maximum and minimum values. The maxims should not reach 20 degrees on the continent throughout the week.
However, There will be rain in the archipelagos of the wood and the Azores.
The sky will be unloved or clean in the north of the country, with weakly moderate northeast wind. Minimum temperatures have fallen this Monday, with values between 11 degrees in Bragança and 13 in Viseu, a trend that should be maintained throughout the week.
On the coast, Braga records 17 degrees of maximum, while Aveiro and Viana do Castelo are no more than 14 degrees.
In Lisbon, temperatures range from six to 17 degrees, while in Porto thermometers can go down to five degrees.
In Alentejo, the minimums can reach both degrees, while in the Algarve they should not fall from seven.
Thermal discomfort should be notorious more at night, warn meteorologists.