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Each great industrial chief has its philosophy. But what is the thing by Jérôme Seydoux, patron of Pathé? What is the advice he gives to his executives? You have to read the book “Successions” by Raphaëlle Bacqué and Vanessa Schneider, great reporters to “World”, to discover it.
“Hire someone who …”: at Pathé, it is the advice that billionaire Jérôme Seydoux gives to his executives
Each great industrial leader has their work philosophy. Thus, while we know that, the third richest personality in the world with A fortune estimated at 192 billion dollars, employee at LVMHwhat about other greats of this world? If we do not know which employees are on sight at Jérôme Seydoux at Pathé, we know, however, a advice from the patron of the Pathé group. A advice that the grandfather of Léa Seydoux prodates to her executives, as Raphaëlle Bacqué and Vanessa Schneider, great reporters to the Raphaëlle, Mondein their book Successions. “Hire someone who wants to prick your job you“, Is it written. A sentence that says a lot about the state of mind of this man today aged 90, and who prefers not to think of the after.
All those who worked with Jérôme Seydoux could see the man worker, courageous in business, intuitive, rigorous, demanding and perfectionistdetail the two journalists. But also autocrat in his way of directing his business. The man who thinks he is immortal and made his succession a taboo subject wants to control everything. He is described as “compliment“. But also “Capable of pushing Homeric Guelants“. We also learn that the man who does not lack heirs-he has eight children and a host of grandchildren-is”all the time in a hurry and often peremptory in his judgments“. If François Pinault has a considerable value to the studies, himself having left school at 16, what are the stuff of Jérôme Seydoux?
What does Jérôme Seydoux, businessman, film producer and billionaire look like?
In the succession pages, we discover a little more the personality of the businessman, producer of cinema (we owe him in particular The three musketeerss co-produced with Dimitri Rassam) and billionaire. His thing? “”Insecure, create rivalries, divide to better reign and keep absolute control “write Raphaëlle Bacqué and Vanessa Schneider. So necessarily, the subject of the succession is not yet on the table. “”We were raised in the negation of the successor son“, thus shared one of the brothers of Jérôme Seydoux aux Echos in May 2017. The dynasty is not part of the vision of this powerful.”We are not built like that“Concludes his younger brother Michel.