Among the infractions that the decree addresses are entry into land without proper authorization, actions that compromise cultural heritage and traditional knowledge, as well as irregular constructions
The president promulgated a new decree setting up guidelines for Funai’s acting regarding police power in indigenous lands. With this measure, Funai may act more effectively in the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples, combating illegal occupations and ensuring that the rules are respected. According to the text published in the Federal Official Gazette (DOU), Funai has police power for the prevention and deterrent of violation or the threat of violation of the rights of indigenous peoples; the prevention and deterrent of the illegal occupation of third parties in indigenous lands; and the execution of the police consent, in the cases provided for by law.
The decree lists a series of violations of the rights of these peoples as the entry of non -indigenous people in indigenous lands, in disagreement with the provisions of law; practices that undermine the cultural, material and immaterial heritage of indigenous peoples; the practices that undermine the traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples; illegal buildings and agrosilvipastoris or tourist activities promoted by third parties in indigenous lands in disagreement with the provisions of law; the removal of indigenous groups from their lands; the violation of the exclusive enjoyment of natural riches; The improper use of the image of the indigenous people or their communities without proper authorization, including for commercial, promotional or profitable purposes; and the dilapidation of goods or the decharacterization of the limits of indigenous lands, and the damage to the plates and delimiting landmarks of indigenous lands or their removal.
Funai may interdict or restrict third party access to indigenous lands; issue a precautionary measure to violators with a deadline for termination of conduct or voluntary withdrawal; determine the compulsory withdrawal of third parties from indigenous lands; restrict the access and traffic of third parties in indigenous lands and in the areas where isolated indigenous people are found; request the collaboration of other control and repression bodies; Seize goods or seal facilities from individuals; and exceptionally perform the destruction, rendering or destination of goods used in the practice of infringement.
*Report produced with the aid of AI and Estadão Content
Posted by Fernando Dias