Tião Bocalom’s second administration at the head of Rio Branco City Hall started in 2025 featured changes in some of the folders, one of the most notable of these is Rennan Biths, which took over the Health Department. In an exclusive interview with Contilnet, the secretary spoke mainly about his plans for his management as a municipal health leader, involving topics such as education, science, focus and even his arrival until the current position.
The current secretary of health talks about the plans for management/photo: reproduction/social networks
The first point highlighted by the secretary was the outbreaks that will exist in their management, especially psychosocial support for the population. “Our first major challenge is to be able to structure our service network, which is the gateway to all people, ”he explained, stating that after this first stage, they will be able to refer the population to specialized professionals.
“We have two points in our management that we want to look with love, which are neurodivergent patients and mental health. We understand that it needs to expand and qualify the service. On these two work fronts we will work to leave as a legacy at the Health Department, ”he emphasized.
Biths also says that initiatives such as the Autistic Service Center (CAA), known as the Blue World, but that the space is focused on only one of the neurodivergency and that it is important to expand ideas like CAA to reach other audiences
“Today we have here in Rio Branco the Autism Care Center to specifically deal with autism. But we have other types of diagnoses is ADHD, which is also very present and that we need to structure this network to answer all these issues, ”he said.
“Mental health is a theme that we understand the need to expand and qualify care during our stay here at the Health Department, we will work to expand and qualify this service,” he added.
The space will receive special attention from the new Secretary of Health/Photo: Ascom
For the execution of this expansion and better qualification in services, new hiring will be necessary to bring the group of municipal health employees, and for this new calls will be held in the last contest held by the Rio Branco City Hall for the area.
“At this moment we are sizing the needs, but we want to summon doctors, nurses, technicians, nurses, technician, laboratory, psychologist, occupational therapist, psychiatrist, social worker, physical educator, among others. It is a very broad set of professionals who will enter, ”said the manager.
In addition, Biths reveals that the next call should be close and that new calls should happen in the coming weeks. “Let’s call this next call yes, we must consolidate her now in the first half of February,” he explained about the survey.
With the new professionals entering the public service of the Acrean capital, the secretary states that, in addition to new professionals, an important step for municipal health is the approach of the folder with higher education institutions, to turn Rio Branco into an object of Study by the academy, which, in the long run, promises to improve the services presented in the city, through the research developed locally.
A partnership between Municipal Health and Higher Education Institutions are in the plans of the current manager/Photo: Reproduction
“Higher education institutions play a key role because they deal with the training of professionals who will act in this area in the future. Imagine how many students produce completion work of the course in the area of health sciences at the university? So if we create a movement to have these institutions close, we can somehow direct the production of this knowledge and the formation of this professional to local issues, ”explained the manager.
“If this professional looks right, he understands that the network of our municipality is his partner and he can direct the production of this knowledge to an area that is of interest, ie a problem, a challenge of the population and producing research on it, is very Beneficial for our city, it is another way of achieving our goal, which is to promote health, ”concluded Biths.