The number of houses acquired by the beneficiaries of this measure ascended to 13,892, with the average value of the dwellings transacted to remain in 187 thousand euros.
A total of 19,745 people benefited from exemption from IMT, seal tax and fees in the purchase of the first housing, according to data provided to Lusa by the Ministry of Youth and Modernization.
According to the same information, which reflects the situation until January 19, the number of houses acquired by the beneficiaries of this measure ascended to 13,892, with the average value of the transactional housing to remain in 187 thousand euros.
In recent statements to Lusa, the Minister of Youth and Modernization, Margarida Balseiro Lopes, has made a positive balance of this measure, considering that it has allowed “removing obstacles” in youth access to housing.
The number of people who benefited from the measure in these about six and a half months of application compares with the 3,098 who bought home with In the first month and a half of the measure, at which 2,141 properties had been purchased.
O It began to be applied in August last year, and a table of this tax was created for the beneficiaries of the measure and which includes four echelons, including total exemption on purchases that fit the 1st of these echelons and the application of an 8 rate of 8 % in the amount that fits in the next echelon.
With the entry into force of the (OE2025) and the update of IMT levels at 2.3%, the transaction value that benefits from total exemption was set at 324,058 (rising about seven thousand euros compared to the value in force in 2024), while the taxed portion to 8% advanced to 648,022 euros (against 633,453 euros in 2024).
To have access to this measure, which is automatically attributed, young people may not have been owners of real estate in the three years prior to the purchase of the house, being the limit (35 years) measured at the date of the deed.