The change is not being made at once, it is gradual. Therefore, it still has time to say goodbye to the so famous “fat milk” while it is definitely nonetheless on supermarket shelves. However, be aware that a replacement of the “fat milk” is coming. The recipe is the same, the brands that sell it are also the same, will only change the name. The successor of “Gordo Milk” will be the “entire milk”.
The country is on upset with the change of names. Opinions are divided and what is certain is that the new denomination of “fat milk” is on the agenda. In fact, it was in 2017 that the first boxes of “entire milk” began to appear on the supermarket shelves, but so far, only in Portugal was this term not used.
However, everything is changing and gradually “fat milk” is starting to be replaced by “entire milk” in Portuguese supermarkets. According to the change, the change is justified by making more sense and being more enlightening about what contains this type of milk, which, despite having the same nutritional richness of the fat and thin environment, brings all the fat that comes from the cow.
“The content is exactly the same”
In an interview with the same source, the director general of the National Association of Lacticinas Industrials (Anil), Maria Cândida Marramaque assured that, despite the change of name, “the content is exactly the same.”
It should be noted that “fat milk” is the least consumed when compared to the search for “half-gray milk” and “lean milk” and is one that did not have its fat reduced or removed during the industrialization process.
It is precisely because the fat has not been removed that “fat milk” is also known as “whole milk”. In turn, “half-border milk” can also be nicknamed “partially skimmed, since part of the fat was removed in the manufacturing process; And the “lean milk” can also be known as “skim”, given that all fat has been eliminated.
The change in the name of “fat milk” is dividing opinions
As for the alteration of the denomination of “fat milk” to “whole milk”, which is the one that generates the most controversy, Anil’s director-general clarifies that “this communication allows to clarify and show, in a better way, the characteristics that The milk has. That is, which is a complete food, which is all there ”.
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