The Federal Supreme Court (STF) resumes activities on Monday (3) with the traditional solemn opening session of the judicial year, scheduled for 14h. The judgments in the plenary will resume on Wednesday (5).
The agenda has as its first item the discussion about the validity of the intimate magazine in Brazilian prisons. On the same day, the action that discusses violence and police lethality in the favelas and communities of Rio de Janeiro is also based.
Opening session
The solemn session of this Monday will be opened with the execution of the National Anthem, followed by the statement of the president of the Supreme Court, Minister Luís Roberto Barroso, and other authorities.
President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT), newly elected Senate presidents, David Alcolumbre (Union-AP), and the House Motta (Republicans-PB), as well as the Attorney General of the Republic are , Paulo Gonet, and the president of the Federal Council of the OAB, Beto Simonetti.
The trials begin on Wednesday with a resumption of an action that discusses the intimate magazine in prisons. The theme was being tried in the virtual plenary and there was a majority of votes formed to consider the practice unconstitutional. However, the case by sending the case to the physical plenary.
The action dealing with police lethality in Rio communities has not yet received votes. It was in this process that, by 2020, the Supreme decided to restrict police operations in Rio’s favelas during the pandemic.
The process in question was called the “ADPF of the favelas”. The term refers to the type of action-an argument of non-compliance with a fundamental precept. It is used to question violations of fundamental rights guaranteed in the Constitution.
The action was filed in 2019 by the PSB, human rights entities and social movements.
Organizations and the party ask the Supreme Court to be recognized by the situation of serious violations of the rights committed by security forces in the Rio de Janeiro favelas. They also want measures to be determined to reduce this picture.
Other cases
Once you return to work, the Court is expected to unfold in two criminal cases of repercussion: the OSA action against those accused of being the.
Ministers should also continue, in February, the analysis of what are the attributions of the municipal civil guards. Part of the magistrates has already commented to release “preventive policing” activities.
Already the discussion about the regulation of digital platforms and the validity of excerpts from Marco Civil da Internet has no date set to start over. There is, however, an expectation that the analysis is resumed in the first half.
André Mendonça suspended the trial for a request for a view, after the votes of the rapporteurs (Luiz Fux and Dias Toffolii) and the president, Luis Roberto Barroso.