The offer came from Prague, apparently there is silence in Bratislava.
In December, the Czech Republic offered assistance to the Slovak government in the form of a transport and storage capacity of gas. Slovakia did not respond to this assistance, says the Czech Prime Minister.
“Helping friends in need is also good relationships. So when Slovakia began to say that it is a problem to stop the transit of Russian gas through Ukraine, we offered him to help them with gas. The Minister Vlček did it and turned to his departmental colleague, and I feel that no answer has come so far, ”said Petr Fiala on Sunday.
Nuclear lobby released another “balloon”:
“We try to meet Slovakia and try to help him. But it certainly does not help such attacks on our ambassador, as Robert Fico showed, ”he said.
His words were finally confirmed by the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade.
“We do not have a response from Slovakia,” said Marek Vošahlík, a spokesman for the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade.
The Ministry of Economy responded
However, the reaction from the Slovak side is contradictory.
“The Slovak Republic had sufficiently booked transport capacities in the Czech gas pipelines, which apparently the Czech Minister of Economy did not know at a time when it publicly declared willingness to offer Slovakia additional capacities in their transport routes,” said spokeswoman of the Ministry of Economy Mária Pavlusík.
“The main problem that is currently troubled by Slovakia is not the capacity limitations of the gas pipelines in the Czech territory, but the high price of gas on European markets and high transport fees compared to the situation if the gas flows to Slovakia through Ukraine,” she continued.