Russia has been disseminating climate misinformation in Poland as part of a “long -term cognitive war” to sow division. This follows from a new report of the Military Counterintelligence Service of Poland, which reviewed more than 2,000 classified documents and not classified from 2004 to 2024.
“The conclusions are alarming,” says the commission of eleven independent experts in a press release. The “cognitive war” that Russia libra, with the help of Belarus, “will lead to greater social polarization and the destruction of confidence in the democratic structures and, as a result, to the weakening and disintegration of the West “, highlights the report, according to the portal .
The Commission indicates an avalanche of conspiracy theories promoted by Russia and other forms of misinformation during the period of 20 years, “based on critics and the weakening of confidence in democratic institutions and processes, including government, NATO and union European “.
Russia and Belarus also tried to undermine public confidence in climatic science, zero net and EU green pact – the flagship plan of the block to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030- during a critical period For world energy policy, the report reflected, published in January.
Between May 2022 and May 2024, Russia was the main “creator of communication” in debates on green energy in social networks and in Polish news pages. In the two years after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Kremlin tried to “undermine green policies, promote conspiracy theories and […] Attack directly to climatic activists. ”
The report suggests that the Russian government and non -governmental groups were behind the misinformation campaign. He also states that Moscow spent up to 4,000 million dollars a year on misinformation and “propaganda.” “Russia wants to destabilize the situation in Poland through cyberspace,” said Vice Prime Minister Krzysztof Gawkowski in an interview with the Onet news platform.
“Russia wants to create panic in the infotosphere, but that also affects critical infrastructure,” he said. This is especially worrying in the light of the next presidential elections in Poland in May, Gawkowski added. “Russia plans massive operations of all kinds of all kinds In the Polish computer sphere for the next five months, especially before the presidential elections. This is doing Russian military intelligence services and cannot be hidden, “he said.