The white coating in the kettle is not just an aesthetic problem. Later increases the consumption of electricity and prolongs the water cooking time. Here’s a surprising solution you can find in every store. This regular drink will turn your old kettle into a new one at a fraction of the price of professional products.

Why is scale a real threat to your wallet?

Many of us consider a white coating in the kettle only as a cosmetic defect. But the reality is much more serious. Settlement of scale significantly prolongs the time needed to boil water. Your kettle must work much more hard and consumes up to 30% more electricity. At current energy prices, this means unnecessary extra expenses. In addition, scale gradually destroys the heating body of the kettle and dramatically shortens its life. Replacing a broken kettle can cost you 30 to 100 euros. That is why regular scale removal is so important.

A surprising solution directly from your refrigerator

Forget pungent vinegar or expensive drugstore cleaning agents. You probably already have a solution in your refrigerator. It is ordinary cola. This carbonated drink contains phosphoric acid, which can dissolve even the most resistant calcium deposits. The procedure is incredibly simple – pour one can cola into the kettle, top the same amount of water and bring to a boil. After turning off the kettle, let the mixture act for 30 minutes. Then you will see a small miracle – the scale will start to peel off itself and your kettle will look new.

Proven alternatives for a perfect result

If you don’t have Cola at home, there are other effective alternatives. Citric acid is a proven classic. Dissolve five teaspoons of powder in the middle of the kettle with water and bring to a boil. After half an hour, the kettle will shine with purity. You can also try fresh lemon juice – just push half the lemon into the water in the kettle and proceed the same. The advantage of these natural methods is that they do not leave an unpleasant chemical odor and are environmentally friendly.

Professional tips for long -term results

Prevention is always better than treatment. Experts recommend a few simple habits that will extend the life of your kettle:

  • Never boil more water than you really need
  • Empty the kettle after each use and let it dry
  • In areas with hard water, consider using filters
  • Repeat cleaning regularly, ideally once a month
  • Always boil clean water after cleaning and pour out

Important safety alerts

Follow a few basic rules when cleaning the kettle:

  • Use rubber gloves to protect the skin
  • Pay attention to the hot water and steam
  • Rinse thoroughly after cleaning the kettle
  • Boil clean water and pour it out before using the next use

It dissolves scale better than vinegar. Indispensable at the cleaning of a kettle