Up to a third of the heat from your home escapes through the entrance door. Do you pay unnecessarily high heating accounts? We bring you proven solutions to insulate the door without replacing it. With our tips you will save hundreds of euros a year on heating.

Invisible thief of warmth in your house

Most households focus on the insulation of walls or window replacement. However, few suspect that the entrance door can be the main culprit of the heat leakage. Unsotable doors cause a loss of 20-30% of the heat from your home. For a regular household, this means unnecessary expenses in hundreds of euros per year. Ordinary wooden or metal doors cannot keep the heat inside without additional insulation, although it does not seem at first glance. The worst part is that this problem also affects the relatively new doors that do not have sufficient thermal insulation.

A revolutionary solution for a wooden door

Wooden doors require a specific approach to thermal insulation. First, check all seals and replace the worn ones. Then apply special insulating panels that are attached to the inside of the door. Polyurethane foam fills all gaps and cavities. It is crucial to use quality materials – cheap substitutes can cause more harm than good. The total investment is between 150-400 euros, depending on the size of the door and the quality of the materials used.

A professional solution for metal doors

Metal doors represent a greater challenge because the metal naturally leads heat. Here it is necessary to use a combination of thermoreflex foil and insulating boards. The foil reflects the heat back into the room while the boards create an effective thermal barrier. Do not forget the quality seal of the thresholds – it is that there is a significant amount of heat. The investment in the insulation of metal doors is slightly higher (200-500 euros), but the return is rapid due to significant heating savings.

Practical guide step by step

  • First thoroughly clean the door surface and remove the old seals
  • Measure the exact dimensions and buy the necessary materials
  • Apply new insulation by door type
  • Pay extra attention to problematic places such as curtains and locks
  • Check the functionality of the door after insulation

Expert tips for maximum efficiency

Experts recommend paying particular attention to the gasket around the doorframes. This is where thermal bridges are often formed, which can reduce the efficiency of the entire thermal insulation. Invest in a quality seal – The difference in the price between cheap and high -quality seals is minimal, but the difference in efficiency is significant.

Just a few small ones to keep the warmth in your house and save on the accounts