In February I sleep abundantly around raspberry bushes. In the summer they bear fruit like crazy. Early spring fertilizer for raspberries

by Andrea
In February I sleep abundantly around raspberry bushes. In the summer they bear fruit like crazy. Early spring fertilizer for raspberries

Take a few handfuls and add the raspberries with it. Organic fertilizer that will enrich the soil

Raspberries are popular fruits in. They do not require specialized gardening knowledge and, apart from proper watering and fertilization, grow practically themselves. Raspberries are often attacked by aphids, so before the beginning of the flowering season it is worth protecting the bushes against these pests. In the fight in aphids, a solution from water and gray soap or garlic will work. We divide raspberries into two groups: those that bloom on this year’s shoots and bear fruit from August to the first frost and those that release fruit on shoots from last year. Such raspberry varieties result in summer.

Before the first fruits appear on the bushes, it is worth preparing the plant properly. One of the activities that can be performed at the end of winter is mulching. It’s a simple but very effective procedure that. Mulling involves covering the soil around the plants with a layer of organic or inorganic material. In the case of raspberries, you can sprinkle them with what you have at home. One of the more effective fertilizers for mulching raspberries are egg shells. Collect a few handfuls of egg shells and scatter them around the bushes with raspberries. The shells contain a lot of calcium, which is sensational strengthens the roots and improves soil fertility. The bark of coniferous trees is another way to mulch raspberries. In early spring, it protects the roots of plants against frosts and variable weather conditions. In addition, coniferous bark helps maintain an adequate moisture level in the ground, limits weed growth around plants, and also gently acidifies the soil.

How to care for raspberries in early spring?

There is necessarily watering and fertilization in the growing of raspberries. After winter, the plant may need an additional dose of water. The first dose of fertilizer for raspberries should be supplied in early spring. This is the most important thing. At this time, fertilizers and prolonged time should be used. They will gradually release nutrients to the soil and strengthen the entire plant. Nitrogen fertilizers are a great solution. It affects flowering and fruiting processes. It improves the condition of many plants and extends the period of their vegetation.


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