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by Andrea

Feijóo feeding the fight with Abascal: “It seems that Vox’s first objective is to oppose the opposition”

Alberto Núñez Feijóo continues to feed the melee with the formation of Santiago Abascal, after this Monday changed strategy regarding Vox, with whom he had preferred not to confront so directly to date. The leader of the PP turned on the course by launching direct attacks against the ultras during his appearance before the Board of Directors, which he crossed out of “Loom” and “Sarao” opposition. And today he has continued with darts. “We are surprised that Vox’s first objective seems to be opposed to the opposition,” said the PP leader in an interview in a public mirror. “I am clear about my objectives and my preferences, and the voters have told us that the Era Sánchez ends, not oppose the opposition,” he also censored in reference to those of Abascal. The relationship with the ultras already raised last week after announcing the PP yes to the chopped decree and has been recorded this Monday for its exclusion from the Central Electoral Board. The Abascal Party denounces a “exclusion pact” of bipartisanship that the popular denies despite having unanimously accepted unlocking the process of renewal of the organism.

In addition, and before the rise of Vox in the polls, Feijóo has avoided answering the question of Si, in a hypothetical stage of sum of the right to govern, would include Vox members in their eventual Council of Ministers. “I am very calm with the surveys (…) The PP maintains all the votes despite the increase,” said the popular party leader alluding to the 40DB survey. For the country and the SER chain. The survey places Vox as the formation that goes up to the result of the 2023 polls, with 1.8 more points and the best percentage since then (14.2%). Of course, Feijóo has disgusted that increase. “In the last surveys it seems that it is in results of 2019,” he appreciated, focusing again on placing the PP as the only layer formation of ending the “Sanchista era.” “The only possibility that Era Sánchez ends goes to vote for the Popular Party,” he concluded.


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