At the opening of the electoral judicial year, the minister cites care with social networks and celebrates the presence of Motta, Alcolumbre and Alckmin
The president of the (Superior Electoral Court), Minister Cármen Lúcia, said on Monday (3.FEV.2025) that the measures for the 2026 elections have already begun to be implemented. The statement was given during the opening ceremony of the.
The minister explained that, although the ceremony marks the return of regimental deadlines and trials, the Electoral Court works “Uninterrupted to guarantee free and democratic elections”. Due to the size of the presidential elections in 1 year, the minister said that the work “They have already started”.
“The administrative and judicial functions remained uninterrupted because we had possessions of mayors and councilors on January 1. […] We work uninterruptedly for the guarantee of free and democratic elections. Also because the 2026 elections, which are much larger, the measures have already begun to be implemented ”he declared.
In her speech, the president cited the care that the electoral court must take with each “Technological Innovation” to “Ensure the free exercise of the vote”. According to her, justice must pay attention to each measure adopted on social networks by the impact they may have on citizens’ rights to inform and vote.
The minister’s speech is after the companies (former Twitter), (Google/Youtube),, and to go to the (General Advocacy of the Union) on January 22 to discuss the new content moderation policies implemented by the goal.
Changes replace the Facebook and Instagram fact verification system with the community notes. They were for his CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, on January 7. At the time, the entrepreneur as a return to freedom of full expression. The President (PT) already the decision.
In the 2024 elections, the TSE has taken a number of measures to combat disinformation, fake news spread and indiscriminate use of artificial intelligence on digital platforms. Approved that it was responsible big techs By false content, a fake news center during the municipal election and 8 social networks for the election period.
In recent meetings with the Supreme Court (STF) and the TSE, the platforms promised magistrates that they would have a rigid policy of control of false and potentially offensive information to democracy.
Watch the full discourse of Cármen Lúcia (26min40s):
Three powers
Cármen Lúcia also celebrated the presence of newly elected presidents of and (Republicans-PB) and (Brazil-AP Union), respectively, and the vice president (PSB). Stated that it was a sign of “Huge desire of institutions” to make the Federal Constitution apply and face the “Vulnerabilities” gifts.
“Today we have more democratic instruments and the huge desire of Brazilian institutions, who are here for my joy and honor the masters of Congress and the Vice President of the Republic, to show our idea of making the Federal Constitution applied. Therefore. We have more instruments to face our vulnerabilities ”he declared.
Opening of the Electoral Judicial Year
The opening ceremony of the Electoral Judicial Year takes place on the same day that Congress and the STF have had their own solemn sessions to inaugurate this year’s work. As usual, the presidents and representatives of the three powers were present in all these events.
Here are other authorities present:
- the president of the Supreme Court, Roberto Barroso;
- the STF Minister, Nunes Marques;
- the STF Minister, Dias Toffoli;
- STF Minister Alexandre de Moraes;
- STF Minister Gilmar Mendes;
- STF Minister Cristiano Zanin;
- the president of the STJ (Superior Court of Justice), Herman Benjamin;
- the Attorney General of the Republic, Paulo Gonet;
- the Minister of Justice and Public Security, Ricardo Lewandowski;
- the Minister of Labor, Luiz Marinho;
- the general lawyer of the Union, Jorge Messias; and
- the president of the Federal Council of OAB (Brazilian Bar Association), Beto Simonetti.