No sticky fingers while peeling oranges: with this trick you have it without peel once two

by Andrea

Oranges are juicy and full of vitamins. But they have one disadvantage – quite a rigid peel that must peel. What to do to keep this activity not trouble?

Oranges are one of the favorite sheep that you can get in every self -service. When you are lucky, you can catch sweet and juicy fruits. Of course, you have to be able to choose! “You can recognize the best fruit by being firm and uniform. Any deviations and caries depreciate content, ”says the expert, adding that you can also recognize mature oranges by the smell.

The price of oranges should not be the main goal for you, especially when it comes to discounted fruits that you would not even use for the production of jam. So you would rather send all veterans with dry or shriveled skin to the “Gelin Sky”.

Video You Suck At Cooking will show you other ways to peel orange. More on the channel

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But if you caught beautiful oranges, it would be a shame not to bite into it. However, before you get to the sweet flesh, you will have a less popular activity – peeling. According to an expert, you can do this in several ways. “The first is simple. In short, you cut both peaks of oranges and put the fruit on the cutting board so that it “sat” and does not scare down. Then take the knife and cut all sides from the top. In a few seconds, you already have orange peeled! ”Recommends the expert.

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A scraper or a spoon?

The second method of peeling citrus is similar. You also remove both fetal tips, but use an ordinary potato scraper instead of the knife. “It’s great because you don’t have fingered fingers and the scraper doesn’t overlap as much bark as a knife, so you have a lot of flesh,” advises the expert, and like ace in his sleeve has a third way of peeling orange: “Take a spoon and knife. With a knife, cut the orange peel longitudinally as if you wanted to halve it into two halves. Then, at the end of the spoon, go under the peel of the orange and carefully release it from the flesh. Then take this part of the fetus to the palms and cut it just as if you were released from the bottle cap. Bingo! The peeled part of the orange is born!

And one more tip for the lazy …

If you are more comfortable, you can wash the orange and cut it into marigolds. Simply peel the flesh and throw away the bark or use differently. Do you know that the dried orange peel is needed great on the stove in the stove? So dry it and use it in the cottage.


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