The tomato passata is often called puree, although it differs from it consistency and preparation. Passata is made of mature tomatoes, which They are deprived of skins and stones. The vegetables are finely chopped, and then further wiped. Thanks to this The consistency of the passage is so smooth and uniform. It is also rare due to high water content.
The best quality tomato passages have a very simple composition. We will usually only find in it tomatoes and small amounts of salt. In stores, we will also buy passages enriched with various spices such as garlic, basil, oregano, and hot pepper.
The differences between Passat and tomato concentrate are already beginning in the production process. The concentrate is formed by crushing tomatoes and evaporation of excess juices and water. In the passage, vegetables are chopped and wiped, and only then subjected to long -term thermal treatment.
As a result The tomato concentrate is much denser. It resembles a compact paste when Passat is liquid and quite rare. As a result, the concentrate will differ from the passage at the same time taste. Its taste is deeper and more intense. Passata will be look like freshly mixed vegetablesand its aroma will be fresh and milder.
The tomato pulp is prepared on the basis of tomatoes, which are initially peeled, without seeds, and then chopped in cube. Because The consistency of the tomato pulp is not uniform. When eating, you can clearly feel that we eat tomatoes, and the sauce is still quite rare. Its taste is expressive and fresh.
Passata tomato is an extremely universal product that will find in many dishes from different regions of the world. Its smooth consistency and tomato taste are great as Past sauces base. We will prepare popular ones from them Bolognese, angry Lub Marine.
Passaty can be used as a basis for preparation stuffed cabbage or casserolesboth potato, rice and pasta. We will make it a delicious homemade sauce to smear the bottom of the pizza and to pour the ready dish. With Passat, you can also prepare delicious soups such as warming Mexican soup.