It started the work of 2025 on Monday (3) with an offensive of the Government (Republicans) to facilitate the processing of a project that alters the Organic Law of the Civil Police.
The proposal faces resistance from unions and even allies of the governor and should be one of the main discussions of the legislature in this first semester.
Two secretaries were at Alesp to articulate the project: (Public Security) and Arthur Lima (Civil House).
Derrite talked to the president of the house, André do Prado (PL), who commands the voting agenda, while Arthur Lima sought support between deputies of the base and opposition. Arthur’s executive secretary, Fraide Sales, accompanied the discussions.
Sales is a retired army colonel and was nominated to coordinate the restructuring of the Civil Police. Its presence, however, is seen by unions of clerks, researchers and delegates as a military intervention in the civil corporation. They argue to mark a public demonstration against the government – algo that the Bandeirantes Palace tries to avoid.
Resistance is not limited to trade unionists. The Alesp bullet bench, consisting of scholarship deputies who have the electoral base composed of public security professionals, did not immediately accept Sales’s nomination, considered far from the environment of the two corporations of São Paulo.
Governor’s allies at Alesp state that Arthur Lima had to explain to parliamentarians that Sales’s participation in the project was not linked to his military past, but to the current position of executive secretary and that, besides, he is a person of direct trust of Tarcisio (were colleagues of the Military Institute of Engineering).
To reduce criticism, the government bets on the support of two deputies of the base, delegate Olim (PP) and Delegate Graciela (PL). Arthur Lima and Sales also sought dialogue with Deputy Paulo Reis (PT), a member of the Alesp Public Security Commission and with dialogue between Civil Police trade unions.
According to Reis, Tarcisio’s team sought him out to say that the text will be debated with the entities and deputies before the presentation of the final version, scheduled for May. However, he points out that there is not yet a draft or clear premises of the project.
Among Tarcisio’s advisors, the public security agenda is considered a priority to pave any political project of the governor, either try to reelection or run for the presidency.
In the case of the restructuring of the Civil Police, the central idea to be communicated to society is that the government modernized the institution and made it more efficient.
The moment is opportune for the discussion, in the view of the allies, for two main reasons. First, it would represent a public response to recent cases of corruption in the corporation, which caused discomfort for being made by the Federal Police.
Secondly, she would be placed as a counterpoint to Minister Ricardo Lewandowski (Justice), who was criticized by pockets.
HAS Sheet Arthur did not want to give any details about what the project will look like. “It is still under study. But we have 14 positions in the Civil Police. It makes no sense to have so many positions. The idea is to reflect a lot about it,” he said. “The idea is to listen a lot to make the best organic law for the police.”
The government’s strategy for reform was adjusted along the way. Initially, a Military Police colonel, Paulo Mauricio Maculevicius Ferreira, was nominated to coordinate the studies. He is chief of staff of the Derrite folder-which is also former PM.
Ferreira was replaced by Sales when it was clear to the government that the nomination of a PM would increase the resistance of the Civil Police, given the historical rivalry between the two corporations.
Once the exchange is made, the government should also directly seek the entities that have already spoken out against the discussion of change.