Blake McPhee has drunk so much in Fort McMurray in the Fort McMurray began to argue in front of the entrance and beat with other men. The summoned police tried to detain him but He defended what the cops pulled his pants. At that moment, the troubler fell to the ground if his penis was frozen.
Shots from the arrest caused a stir on the Internet not only in the province of Albert. When Toronto Sun published it, the incident soon got into the world. The case with the case states that the police who came to the place saw McPhee, who was under the influence of alcohol and worked disturbances. In the videos and photos shared on the Internet, you can see how McPhee fell to the ground when the police and the bar security bar tried to detain him.
During the arrests of McPhee, the pants and underwear fell to the knees. The temperatures were around – 20 ° C that night and McPhee’s penis suddenly stood to the sidewalk. Rescuers managed to deliver his limb. Within a few hours, blurred shots of the cops appeared on Facebook, trying to peel off his frozen penis from the pavement.
“I still do not understand why it was necessary to undress me when they arrested me and There were three cops on me and two no*guys from security, But that’s fine. Gone are the times when a guy could have been frozen with Pindík to the ground without becoming viral, ”McPhee pointed out in a written statement for Toronto Sun.