The weekly message from the guardian angels. Clean yourself of emotional toxins!

by Andrea
The weekly message from the guardian angels. Clean yourself of emotional toxins!

The weekly message from the guardian angels. If you want the help of the angels of your zodiac, ask them that! You trust your team of angels! It is very healthy to live in the belief that you are supported by a greater power than you, that you are guided because whatever you do and wherever you go to happen to you what is best for you. But in order to benefit from this support, you need to allow them, to open, to believe, to receive.

Find out more about the guardian angels of the zodiac signs here, to see that you are never alone!

Your guardian angels are always with you, whether you believe or not.

Here are the most common signs that you recognize that you are guided and protected by your personal team of guides, teachers and angels.

One of the forms by which the guardian angels send you an answer or message to a question or a subject that knead or concern you, is through the cards of guardian angels. These are an ancient way, confirmed by the weather, to get in touch with spiritual angels and guidelines. They are fully safe because they attract only the heavenly energy full of messengers through the Law of Divine Attraction.

Here are the messages from the guardian angels of each sign for week February 3-9 2025.

Message for the natives of the sign Aries (March 21 – April 19)

A new step forward

“You have an important mission in life that involves arts and communication. Please do not allow the dangers to return you from the road. I will help you. “

I am one of the angels of your zodiac and I collaborate with Archangel Gabriel to deliver this message. You could ask why an archangel is with you now. We help more people at the same time and we are glad you are among them. We help those whose life mission involves arts and communication. We will help you to perfect yourself and trust your natural talents. Then we will open your doors so you can express your talents in ways that will help others.

3 signs tested in March 2025. Natives who will have unexpected challenges

What we ask for instead is to show honesty and cooperation. Tell us about your fears, hopes, confusion and dreams. Ask us to help you. Then enter the doors of the opportunity that we open for you. Our purpose is to guide you and, in this capacity, we urge and stimulate you. We urge you because we know that you need a small support up.

Message from guardian angels for the natives of the sign Taurus (April 20 – May 20)


“I am with you, giving you the courage to make those changes that will help you fulfill your divine mission in this life.”

I came to you because you prayed to God for safety and protection and because you asked about your personal mission in this life. Because you are a light bearer, we will supervise the fulfillment of your mission in life. You have been a light bearer for a long time and you felt different and isolated from others, sometimes. Be sure you have never been alone and that you will never be alone!

At what age do the signs marry. The balance is left by the wave and will do it early enough

When you feel urged to make a change at work or at home, it may be our influence, encouraging you to transform your personal mission into the main priority. We can rearrange your program and help you in other ways to have an easy and harmonious way. Ask us only and will be fulfilled. Then maintain the result that will come with faith and with certainty that you are heard and will come. We will help you feel good and safe during the changes.

Message for the natives of the sign Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

“You are a spiritual teacher. You have the ability to advise others and help them realize their spiritual gifts and their divine mission in this life. ”

You have already helped many people by guiding them, tips and messages. You have a natural gift to say only the right words, along with a healthy dose of handling and inspiration. Now, we urge you to be available for even more people. The heart will tell you if your teachings will count in writings, words, seminars or advice. Or you will be guided to help people you meet at the store, school or work. To know that you are perfectly qualified for this, and we angels support you with our energy full of love. This step is part of the divine mission of your life. Ask us to help you with teachings and we will do everything for you.

Read the continuation on the advice of the people. Ro.

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