Some parents want their child’s name to be traditional, but also original. The perfect choice can therefore be the name Feliks, which reigned in. Only 9771 men are currently wearing them. In 2024, 427 boys received this name. Check the most important information about him, and maybe you will call your child soon.
The name Feliks comes from Latin. It was created from the word “felix” meaning “happy”, “kind”. Therefore, it is characterized by men who are lucky in life and are kind, helpful to others.
An interesting fact is that the name Feliks was considered to be Slavic equivalent of the name Szczęsny. This item has been no longer in the PESEL data register for many years.
Sometimes parents decide on a slightly different spelling of this name – Felix. In 2024, such a name was given 42 times.
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Men named Feliks are smart, creative and curious about the world. They focus on continuous development and acquisition of new skills. In addition, they are characterized by their responsibility and obligation – you can always rely on them, keep their word and conscientiously fulfill their obligations.
Feliks enthusiastically strives to implement his plans, without hesitating to influence the decisions of others. He also likes to have an advantage in relationshipsalthough he can show tenderness and commitment.
Men with this name build relationships on strong bases. They are demanding and firm partners, but also devoted and loyal. They surround their beloved with care and support.
Feliks is a born lucky manwhich gives him confidence, firmness and faith in his own abilities. He does not belong to people who stay in one place for a long time – he is still looking for new challenges.
It will be perfectly found in competitions requiring intuition, precision and skills of quick analysis of the situation. He is the most successful in public service, politics and the world of music.
The most popular date of Feliks’s name is on January 14. Men with this name can also celebrate on the following dates: March 1, April 21, May 30, June 11, 12 July, 6, 20 November, December 20.
Feliks are attributed to the name, i.e. Felcio, Felciu, parties, Feliczek, Feliksek, Feliksio, Feliś, Felunio, Felutek, Feluś.