The beginning of the legislature in the National Congress was marked by a dispute between the ruling base and the opposition to the government of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT). The clash was not among proposals but between caps, inspired by those used by the supporters of US President Donald Trump, who became instruments of provocation among parliamentarians on Monday, 3.
This Saturday, 1st, Lula government ministers who have terms in the National Congress appeared with blue caps (color -related color, Trump’s opponent in the US) with the words “Brazil is from Brazilians”. According to the Minister of Institutional Relations, Alexandre Padilha, the idea came from the new minister of the Secretariat of Social Communication of the Presidency (Secom), the marketer Sidônio Palmeira. “I asked Sidonius to think a sentence, Sidonius sent the sentence. It was a success, ”said Padilha on Saturday.
According to Padilha’s staff, 100 caps of the most varied colors have already been made to the government parliamentarians. This Monday, 3, deputies of PSOL and PT, for example, were with pieces made of green and yellow, color of the Brazilian flag.
The reference used by Sidonium is Trump’s motto “Make America Great Again (Make America again again, translation), adopted in Trump’s campaigns. Both the Republican and his supporters adopted caps with the same style as the Lula’s allies.
On Monday, the opposition decided to wear clothing to respond to the ruling base. The new PL leader in the House, Sostenes Cavalcante (RJ), made 30 green and yellow caps with the phrase: “Cheap food again. Bolsonaro 2026 ”. The provocation did not stop there, there were also parodies with a famous coffee brand called the “Nemcafé” play and a photo of Bolsonaro in a meat package with the words: “Black Picanha”.
The PL leader in the House has developed the idea since Sunday, 2, and said it was a direct response to Sidonium. In a post on social networks, the parliamentarian showed how was the distribution of the pieces in the party leadership office.
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“A message for all Brazil here. Cheap food again, Bolsonaro 2026. No one can handle expensive coffee. Neither picanha nor coffee, ”said Sostenes.