Apples are one of the most typical Polish fruits, moreover, they are available all year round. No wonder that we also prepare cakes and desserts on their basis. Among them they lead the way apple pie and apple pieceswhich are often incorrectly identified with each other. How are they different?
Apple pie is a classic cake with a French pedigree. His name comes from Charlotte Russe – a dessert based on fruit and biscuits, which was supposed to celebrate Charlotta Hohenzollern. In the modern version Most often it is prepared on a fragile or semi -circular bottom with an apple layeroften enriched with cinnamon and other spices. It can be covered with crumble, dough grille or a second layer of shortbread, it is also sprinkled with powdered sugar or coarse sugar. In addition, apple apples should be strangled or fried.
Apple pie is a general name for all apple cakesregardless of the type of dough on which they are prepared. It can be made on biscuit, sponge cake, yeast or semi -shaft dough. In some versions, the apples are mixed into mousse, and in others they remain in larger pieces, immersed in the dough or arranged on it. There is no shortage of variations with pudding translations, topping and sprinkles. As a rule, raw apples are added to the apple pie.
The most important difference is the type of dough – apple pie is based on a fragile or semi -circular bottom, while apple pie can take different forms. Apple pie can be more compact and less moist, and apple pie often has a lighter, more fluffy consistency. Differences also result from tradition – apple pie is a specific cake, and apple pie remains a more general and wider concept.
Apple pie can be found in various scenes: Classic on fragile dough, with meringue on top, with the addition of nuts or the Fit version on oat bottom. It is often served hot with a scoop of ice cream.
Apple pie also has many variants – it can be biscuit, with pudding, with filo dough or in a gluten -free version. Sometimes apple pieces are immersed here in dough, sometimes a layer of apple mousse is one of the many, next to the cake, cream or jelly.
In the cases of both cakes, the quality of apples plays a key role – the best are those with a slightly acidic taste, e.g. gray reneta or Antonówka.