Garbage segregation is extremely important. Sometimes, however, some products cause us a problem and we are not sure where to throw them away. It is not difficult to get a mistake when throwing the packaging on the eggs. In which container it should land, it is not unambiguous. Check what it depends on and how to properly segregate waste.
is important. However, many people still have a problem with proper waste management, which means that a large amount of garbage lands not where it should. Therefore, it is harder to manage and recycling effectively.
It is worth recalling that waste should be segregated according to the division below:
- blue containers – paper,
- green containers – glass,
- brown containers – biodegradable waste,
- yellow containers – metals and plastics,
- Black containers – mixed waste.
In some places we can also find containers marked with white. They are intended for colorless glass.
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Sometimes, however, for some products, this division may be more complicated. This applies, among others, to egg containers, also called extruders. They are to ensure safe transport and storage of products. However, they are made of different materials, so they will not always land in the same containers.
However, it is worth knowing where to place them, because Most often they are suitable for recycling. Cardboard extruders should be for blue paper containers. Whereas Packaging for polystyrene or plastic eggs is thrown into yellow containers for metals and plastics.
Remember, however, that this applies only to clean and dry extruders. In the event that they contain the remains of eggs or other impurities, it Then our packaging should be thrown into the black container on mixed waste.
The problem with segregation also applies to eggs and shells. The content of the eggs itself, i.e. Protein and yolk should be thrown into mixed waste. However, in the case of shells, these residues should be thrown into a brown container for biodegradable waste. This applies to both cooked and raw egg shells. They can be a valuable source of calcium, so they are often used for the production of fertilizers for plants.