Would you like to know what your plants are bothering? Expert Josef Gall will advise you.
Tireless wire
Large potatoes were born, but almost every potato is drilled. I would like to advise on what pest is, how to get rid of it and what could be treated with clay so that we do not have a ruined crop next year. (Oldřich Miškařík, Podhradí)
It is almost impossible to completely get rid of the wires in the gardens where cultivated flower beds with vegetables and potatoes alternate with lawn and perennials, as they can move from the lawn to the cultivated area. To reduce them in the spring to grown vegetables and potatoes, you can reduce their numbers by catching bait. On the edge of the beds adjacent to the lawn, burn to a depth of 5 to 15 cm of carrots or halved potatoes stabbed on the wand and check the wires every two to three days. You can also use a handful of germinated wheat (0.5 to 1 cm long) as a bait, buried to a depth of 10 cm and mark with a pin. After cooling in the autumn, the wires travel to the deeper layers of the soil and climb to the surface in the spring and are active only when the soil temperature exceeds 8 ° C! It hurts most in spring and summer, so you can prevent more damage to potatoes and root vegetables mainly harvest. In colder positions, you will achieve the growing and very early varieties with possible pre -cutting of seedlings.
This year at the end of May, our hornbeam hedge suddenly began to dry and brown his leaves – both on plants in the fence and at the same time in pots in front of him. Gradually, however, the drying expands all over the hedge. Can the hornbeam still be saved? (Dana Vaňková, Vranov u Brna)
I do not know where your hedge from hornbeam grows, but most likely, if it is in the sun, suffers from drought. Try to dig it a little and water it in a long time.
The roots of the border do not know
I have a greenhouse in the garden in the gardening colony. Nearby, a neighbor has an planted pad and also tua. The roots from these stands are now in my greenhouse. In the greenhouse I had peppers that completely destroyed. But the neighbor cannot be talked about. Couldn’t it be destroyed? These are such fine branched roots. If I remove them mechanically, they will reappear in a short time and are more and more. (M. Matějka – Lomnice nad Popelkou)
You can prevent root growth by digging the groove enough to break the roots between the fence and the greenhouse to interrupt the roots, and put some durable barriers that the roots do not grow – sheet metal, wood, cement, water and moisturizing ingredients – cetris, or stronger foil Aj.
What is missing from trees?
I have two questions. 1: I have in the garden Acer palmatum Atropurpureum. Previously, the leaves were red, now green and have a withered edges. Some are bright pink spots.
2: I bought a column plum miraclse. On the leaves there are yellow small spots from above and a rusty coating on the reverse. Would it be possible to advise on what the problem is in plants and how to treat plants? (Column, E-Inquiry)
Answer 1: They are very likely to suffer from drought. Maple dlanitolisty, Acer palmatum Atropurpureum, likes a protected, partially shaded habitat with higher air humidity with plenty of moisture, optimally at the water surface.
Answer 2: Your plummeries were attackedTranzschelia pruni-spinosae). It is a two -way rust and its second host is anemone, whose leaves are formed in spring disputes that attack the leaves of the plum. Warmer and humid weather is favorable for the development of infection. Do the treatment in spring when the first symptoms of the infection are detected. Folicur concentrate, horizon 250 EW, etc.
Waxes in the lawn
For a few years I have had red -yellow mushrooms in the garden. So far they were only here and there, but this year at the turn of May and June, our garden was completely flooded with these mushrooms. At first they are pretty nice – red -yellow, but later they turn black. Can you advise me what mushrooms is and if there is any possibility to get rid of them? (Dana Vaňková, Vranov u Brna)
In the sent photo and as described it could be inedible wax crayfish. This year the rainy warm spring was almost ideal for the growth of various mushrooms. The chopped and impaired grass left on the lawn is, until it becomes different, for the mushrooms with an excellent breeding ground. But how to remove mushrooms from the lawn? The simplest thing is when you cut a lawn with a mower with a collection condition in the spring and then spray it with a fungicide that is commonly used to treat fruit trees against diseases such as Kuprikol, Novozir (if you have left), Delan, Merpan, etc. Blue solution blue Skalice – CUSO4.
Why can’t I rush?
I bought a rose rose and then a cracked rose. Both bloomed during the year, rose hips. They then yellowed and fell, so I had no one. Both rose some branches yellowed. What is the cause of the rosehip and yellowing of the leaf? (Slivová Marta, Ostrava)
This can be caused by drought and lack of potassium in the soil. It is the lack of potassium in the soil that is a serious physiological disorder of plant nutrition. The plant with a lack of this element is harder to farm water and is more endangered to attack the pathogens. It is manifested by deformations of leaves, marginal necrosis and shortening internodies – parts of the stem between the nodes (nodes), between the places from which leaves, vallebed buds or inflorescences grow. Treatment with special fertilizers with increased potassium content will help.
Please advise if our raspberries are attacked by a fungal disease? If so, how can you cure them? It occurs on almost all raspberries planted on different parts of the garden and different age. (Šrámková, e-mail question)
Your raspberries (stems) are attacked by a fungal disease of didymel’s death of raspberry (Didymella applanata). The disease attacks raspberries, blackberries and their hybrids. There are big differences in the susceptibility of individual varieties. Small white spots on the leaves are formed by clipping with flaps and yellowish surfaces can occur on the leaves after attacking some viral disease.
The fungal attack is manifested by the basis of annual shoots (shoots) for forming violet brown, different sized bounded spots. In the following year, more than the affected shoots have smaller additions and in good weather due to the disease prematurely, often at the beginning of the harvest, dry. The disease hibernates as a mycelium in the mesh of the infected shoots. In the spring, especially in May and June, the newly growing young shoots are infected. Infections occur mainly in wet rainy weather. Older stands in unsuitable habitats (heavier and humid soils, higher soil reactions, etc.) are most damaged.
Preventive measures: Choosing a suitable habitat and its treatment, optimal stand density and balanced nutrition – especially nitrogen non -pollution, timely variations of stands and mulching. Strongly attacked shoots should be removed in time. Do not dispose of susceptible varieties to risk locations.
At sites with regular occurrence of the disease it is necessary to perform preventively treatment, if the conditions for the development and spread of the disease, Merpan 80 WG, Score 250 EC, Switch, etc. are favorable.
This sponge, which looks like slime, appeared in my garden on the beds. I don’t know what it is and what to do with it. (Dvořáková, e-mail question)
It is probably a cyanobacteria of the family Nostoc. Cyanobacteria are microorganisms – basically photosynthetic bacteria. Some, however, form colonies visible to the naked eye. Representatives Nostoc They form colonies composed of fibers drenched in solid slime, which can soak up large amounts of water and protect them. There is no need to worry about them, on the contrary – they can attract air nitrogen and then enrich the soil with this important nutrient.
To whom do he taste oleandr?
How to save oleanders that flowed beautifully every year, until this year there were some “tumors” instead of flowers that prevented further flowering? I have tried some sprays like Champion, Nissorun, but nothing helped me, I cut all the flowers. (Alena Růžičková, e-mail question)
It can be caused by a pest that came to us thanks to warming from the Mediterranean, where oleanders grow. This can be caused by the waxes of the troughs or even mites. In the case of pest, treated the oleander with an effective insecticide, such as Nissorun.
About the author
Josef Gall He has been devoted to Phytosanitary, as well as plant cultivation since 1970, when he completed the University of Agriculture in Brno. He worked in the Central Audit and Test Institute of Agriculture in the Plant Protection Department, so far is an active member of the Czech Society of Phytosanitary.