It is not fun in optics. So when you need new frames. You think, hesitate, you don’t know. No wonder. But maybe you just don’t approach it correctly. “You do not choose a fashion accessory with glasses, but a piece of yourself,” says Optik Filip Žilka in a podcast.
You can find the whole podcast here:
Do you still remember what it was like to choose the first glasses? Maybe someone told you that they were supposed to be and poppy. Because you have such a poppy face. And that no other will never suit you. But what if you unnecessarily follow the bad advice? Fortunately, according to Filip Žilka, no fixed rules do not apply to the selection of glasses today. “It is important how you want to feel in them,” says the owner of the Prague optical studio.
Don’t be afraid to consult
“The shape of the face is, of course, crucial,” says Optik. “Thanks to the glasses we can create a new symmetry.” What does he recommend? To trust your proven optician in this case. He is the one who should know what will benefit which face, what will give him more charm.
The shapes are infinitely and fit them into one box. Fortunately, the shapes and types of spectacle frames are a lot, there is no specific fashion, so in the end everyone will find their own. Do not be afraid to try, let yourself be photographed, if you do not have lenses, view and repeat. It’s the only way to the goal.
What are you, you have such glasses
Even more important than the shape of the face, however, according to an expert is what you are and how they can finish your personality.
“When I choose glasses with someone, I need to know who I’m talking to. What a nature is, what he enjoys, what he likes. And then connect the character of the person with the right glasses, ”he explains. It proposes to think about it when choosing materials or perhaps the weight of glasses. Not everyone can withstand a heavier piece for a long time, but others expressly suit others. “Do not cut some materials just because they did not suit you once,” he adds. “It is always better to try and possibly refuse again.”
Don’t be afraid to experiment
Do you wear fundamentally strong frames? Or perhaps glass without frames? Just neutral colors? One shape all your life? Take your next visit to optics as a unique opportunity. Experiment. Do not worry about new colors, shapes or materials. You already have your glasses “for sure”. So why not try something new this time. Who knows? Maybe it will be a friendship for a lifetime.