António Cotrim / Lusa
Mariana Mortágua, recurring the party’s direction and to whom the victory is guessed, has already begun to prepare the block for the municipalities. For the presidential, there are those who believe that the BE is in a “political and social context quite unfavorable for its own candidacy”.
Motion A of the Left Block, headed by Mariana Mortágua, is ready for the party’s national convention, which only happens in 4 months. Mortágua is, therefore, RECYDING TO THE PARTY DIRECTION. However, the text has already been shared with the newspaper.
According to BE, there are already “Several dialogues at the council level” with the freewith whom coalitions should be formed in this year’s municipal elections.
The block had already left the desire to covert with the PS in Lisbon, but about these conversations there is no information yet.
“The block will contribute to the clarity of a program that allows a wide candidacy, capable of finishing the policy of Carlos Coins in Lisbon,” reads the motion. “In the impossibility of this convergence, the party will assume the responsibility to give expression to a consistent candidacy.”
As long as the presidential, it is the first time in 15 years that the party admits to being able to support a candidate out of his party – The situation happened in 2011 when BE supported, along with the PS, the candidacy of Manuel Alegre.
“The block is available to contribute to a democratic convergence candidacy against the liberal subversion of constitutional rights and the struggle for peace,” is written in the motion.
The “political and social very unfavorable for its own candidacy”It had already been pointed out by Motion S of the party’s internal opposition.
The motion also accuses the PSD of being carried out a “right radicalization” and the government of being “weaksubject to the risk of parliamentary defeats and with a fragile team for their greater mission: the privatization of NHS and Social Security. ”
And adds: “Also the PS moves to the right“. The criticisms also pass through the European Union, accused of “arms activism.”
The “combat left lost electoral expression” and the block therefore “needs to reinforce and renew its culture of organization”, writes in the motion, which has already had 725 subscribers, compared to the 41 of the opposition motion, factor already Guess the victory to the Mortágua Motionwhich should be reelected as party leader.