Keeping cleanliness in the home is a relatively challenging task that each of us must face. To fulfill this task, we often resort to the use of chemicals. In this article, we will tell you a recipe for a home mix that will make the window frames yellow again snow -white.
The spring climate is already manifested in different parts of the country. The sun’s rays falling on the glass surfaces are ruthless and highlighting every dirt. For many people, this is a motivation to perform the first cleaning of windows this season. It is worthwhile to remember thorough cleaning of the window frames. It is best to use a home mixture for this purpose.
A quick way to clean windows. Do not forget the frames
Cleaning windows can be a real suffering for many people. Although this task seems simple at first glance, it can really be lengthy. It is constantly smuggle and smudges. There are many ways to get rid of them. In the past, for example, black and white newspapers have been used for this purpose. Currently, after thorough washing of glass surfaces with warm water with a little dishwashing product, it is recommended to use a microfiber cloth to get rid of unwanted tracks.
Similar deployment requires cleaning of our window frames. In stores you will find a number of products to help us keep their snowy, but we know from experience that Domestic mixtures that do not contain corrosive substances work best. Your plastic frames will thank you.
How to clean the yellowed window frames? Use homemade liquid
When you decide to clean the windows, it is good to focus on window frames to make the effect of our action even larger “Wow”. It will help us a home mixture of 1.5 cups of water, 1 teaspoon of dishwashing and juice squeezed from half of the lemon. Mix all these ingredients into one and pour into a spray bottle that allows us to comfortably spray the liquid. Use a cloth to gently wipe the window frames. If dirt is difficult to remove, you can add a little vinegar to the bottle to strengthen the solution.
Another equally effective and non -invasive method of cleaning frames is the use of a paste made of baking soda and water. In this case, however, you must not forget to wipe the frames thoroughly and wash the product. Cleaning can be considered complete when the frames are completely dry.
Brilliant method 2: 3: 7: I wash the windows only twice a year and still shine!