The municipality of Cruzeiro do Sul faces a dengue outbreak, which led Mayor Zequinha Lima to decree emergency in public health on Wednesday (5). The decision was formalized with the signing of Decree No. 254 at the Souza de Souza Lins Basic Health Unit, located in the Aluminum neighborhood.
The decree was signed on the morning of Wednesday (5)/Photo: Reproduction
With the decree, the city is authorized to adopt emergency measures to contain the epidemic, including the acquisition of inputs and materials and the hiring of essential services to confront the sanitary crisis. “We have observed and realized that as time passes, cases of dengue gradually increase, according to the records of health facilities. In January 2024, we had 143 cases, while in January 2025 this number jumped to almost 1,500, ”said Zequinha Lima.
Currently, Cruzeiro do Sul is the Acre Municipality with the highest percentage of dengue cases, representing 40.2% of the total state. The Cruzeirão neighborhood is the most affected region, followed by Remanso, telegraph and miritizal, as reported by the municipal secretary of health, Marcelo Siqueira. To combat the proliferation of the transmitter mosquito, the city has intensified actions in the basic health units, ensuring expanded care in the urban area, from 7am to 7pm, and in the countryside, until 13h. In addition, cleaning efforts with dozens of workers and machines are being performed in various neighborhoods.
Siqueira reinforced the importance of the participation of the population in the fight against dengue, eliminating possible mosquito breeding sites in their homes. “If you have symptoms such as fever, body pain and headache, look for our health facilities, where we have laboratory tests, specialized consultations and infectologist monitoring. In more severe cases, with signs of alert such as vomiting, dizziness and intense weakness, the recommendation is to seek immediate care at the UPA or at the Juruá Hospital, ”warned the secretary.
Health teams are still monitoring cases and intensifying preventive actions in the city, but authorities reinforce that population collaboration is fundamental to contain the advancement of the disease.