Crisis gets worse: Situation at Amadora-Sintra Hospital has been degraded “very dangerously in recent months”. Minister “pushes” responsibility to ULS and NHS.
The director of the Emergency Service of the Local Amadora-Sintra Health Unit fired From the position, this Monday confirmed the hospital’s official source.
According to the same source, Hugo Martins fired from office for personal motiveswith effect on February 1st. “ULS Amadora-Sintra is looking for alternatives,” the source added to Lusa.
The news of the dismissal follows the recent hospital-which responds to the medical needs of more than half a million inhabitants-for laborafter in November, which compromised surgeries.
This month, the waiting times at the hospital were 34 hours on the weekend.
The news of the resignation of the director of the Emergency Service was advanced by, who heard the “desperate” testimony of the president of the Order of Doctors, who explains that the hospital is working “Far below the limits” of clinical security.
The situation at the Amadora-Sintra Hospital has been degrading “very dangerously in recent months”,” Carlos Cortes said: “Unlike what is recommended, that is, the presence of six doctors in the emergency team, (…) we had the information that sometimes is only an expert doctor, or two specialist doctors,” or Even shifts that “are only made by a specialist doctor and one or two internal doctors,” he warned.
“The doctors themselves advised the Board of Directors to end the urgency for surgical patients to be referred to another hospital that has other more appropriate conditions. This was denied and the doctors had to work in conditions of insecurity, ”added the president.
“We consider it not to be suitable for the population to maintain an urgency of general surgery open abroad that does not comply with the recommended, far from it,” said Carlos Cortes.
Minister “pushes” responsibility for ULS and NHS
“It is not exactly the dismissal of the urgent director who will solve things, it is a direct intervention of the Ministry of Health To help the Amadora-Sintra Hospital in its medical human resources, ”the president reiterated Lusa:” You can’t make omelets without eggs. “
The Lusa agency has requested a reaction to the Ministry of Health, which replied that “this issue is at the ULS Amadora-Sintra and the Executive Directorate” of the National Health Service.