Traditional broth is prepared on the basis of several specific ingredients. Of course, the broth will not be without meat. For the aroma to be varied, it’s best to choose a piece of beef and poultry meat. For this it is necessary to add Italian. It includes it carrot, a piece of root celery, parsley root, leaves time. At the same time, parsley and sometimes onions are added.
This number of ingredients for the preparation of broth makes it After lunch, there is a really large portion of leftovers. In order not to waste food, we often try to convert them into something else, but unfortunately there is often a lack of ideas.
You can prepare from the leftovers from the broth popular . In this delicacy, we will use meat and other vegetables, in particular cooked carrots. They taste best served with lemon juice or vinegar, and for this They are extremely healthydue to the high collagen content.
Other cooked The broth meat will be converted into the stuffing. This can be filled with homemade dumplings, croquettes or patties. The filling can also be eaten with pancakes or tortilla.
You can prepare with cooked broth vegetables salad vegetable. Just add a few extra ingredients, such as cooked potatoes, egg, mayonnaise and cream and a second breakfast to work or school ready.
However, my favorite way is to prepare Bread lubricants made of broth residues. It really comes out of this recipe Delicious and very creamy. The base for making it is primarily meat, but other vegetables are also used. We will easily protect food from lubrication and create nutritious, full -fledged paste.
To do, we use all those ingredients that remained after cooking broth. So there is no exact amount of products we need, because We make it, what do we have. Basic ones will also be needed spices (like salt and pepper) and blender.
At the beginning We peel the meat And we translate them into a blender bowl. We think that no bones remain, even the smallest ones. Cut the vegetables into small parts And translate into a bowl with meat. Season with salt and pepper.
All ingredients we blend together to a smooth mass. If you do not have a blender, everything can be carried in a meat grinder. Then it is best to use a strainer with larger meshes.
The lubricant for bread from broth residues is ready to eat. Season them again if necessary. We store the paste in a tightly closed container In the fridge up to 4 days.
Source: Naz,