Do you want a lush jade tree? Discover the 3 fertilizers who make miracles

by Andrea

Do you want a jade tree full of leaves and flowers? Use these 3 natural fertilizers and you will see surprising results in a few weeks!

The jade treeo Crassula ovalit is a plants that is commonly found in homes because of its resistance and for the beauty of its fleshy leaves. However, to see him grow luxuriant and even flourish, it is not enough to water it from time to time: he needs targeted care and natural fertilizers that stimulate its development. If you have ever noticed that your jade tree grows slowly or that its leaves seem opaque and not very vital, probably lack some essential nutrients.

But don’t worry: with the right precautions you can transform it into a plant full of life, leaves and even fragrant flowers. In this article you will discover Three powerful fertilizers that you can prepare at home to give new energy to your jade tree. We will explain step by step how to make them and how to apply them to get surprising results. After a few weeks, you will notice the difference and your tree will become the strong point of your green corner!

How to stimulate the growth and flowering of the jade tree

The jade tree is known for his Resistance and longevitybut to obtain optimal growth and abundant flowering it is important to provide them specific nutrients. Unlike other houseplants, Crassula ovate needs well -drained soil and targeted fertilizers To strengthen the roots and stimulate the formation of new shoots.

If you want your jade tree to develop fleshy and shiny leaveschoose fertilizers rich in potassium, phosphorus and football. These elements help the plant a strengthen and resist environmental stress. In addition, during the flowering period, an extra intake of natural nutrients can make the difference between a weak plant and a full of life.

Use simple and natural ingredientsyou can create effective fertilizers for your Crassula Ovata. Let’s see what are the best and how to use them correctly.

Ginger fertilizer for abundant flowering of the jade tree

One of the best ways to encourage the flowering of the jade tree is the use of one natural stimulant based on ginger and cinnamon. These two ingredients contain bioactive compounds which improve the health of the roots and favor the production of flowers. To prepare it, follow these simple steps:

  • You take 50 grams of ginger root And cut it into small pieces.
  • Do the same with a cinnamon sprig.
  • Blow both ingredients until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  • Deluise A tablespoon of the mixture in a liter of water And use the solution to water the plant.

Repeating this treatment each two weeksyou will help the jade tree a flourish in a luxuriant way and to develop more robust leaves.

Fertilizer to ash and coffee funds for strong leaves

If your jade tree has weak or pale leavesan excellent solution is to use a fertilizer based on ash and coffee funds. These ingredients provide a perfect mix of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogenfundamental for the well -being of the plant. To prepare it, here’s what you need to do:

  • You take A tablespoon of coffee funds e one of wooden ash.
  • Mix the ingredients in A liter of water And leave to rest for 24 hours.
  • Filter the solution and use it to water the tree each 15 days.

Thanks to this fertilizer, your Crassula ovata will have Greger and robust leavesresisting better to any dryness problems.

Fertilizer with rice and egg shells for weak plants of

jade tree

If your jade tree looks like suffering and not very vitalyou can help him with a fertilizer rich in calcium and minerals. This remedy based on Rice and egg shells it is ideal for strengthen the structure of the plant and encourage the formation of new leaves. Here’s how to prepare it:

  • At that time 200 grams of rice in a hot pan.
  • Blend the rice with The shells of 8 eggsuntil a fine powder is obtained.
  • Use this dust in two ways:
    • Spread it directly on the soil of the plant once a month.
    • Or mix it with water and use it to water twice a week.

With this fertilizer, your jade tree will recover strength And he will return to grow vigorously in a short time.

Fertilizers for jade treeFertilizers for jade tree

Now that you know i best natural fertilizers For the jade tree, you just have to put them into practice! Each of these remedies is easy to make and guarantees visible results already after a few applications. If you want a jade tree full of leaves and flowerstry these fertilizers and you will notice the difference.

Remember to combine these treatments with correct exposure to light and moderate irrigation. Following these tips, your Crassula ovata will become one of the most beautiful plants in your home or garden!

Photo © Stock.adobe


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