The body of 37-year-old journalist and social columnist Douglas Richer arrived in Madureira Seine in the early afternoon of Wednesday (5).
Born in the municipality, he is being veiled in the City Council of Vereators, on Avenida Avelino Chaves, near the 25th of September Square.
Douglas Richer’s body is veiled in the City Hall/Photo: Contilnet
Relatives, friends and admirers of the journalist attend the site to pay the last honors. The burial is scheduled for 5 pm at São João Batista Cemetery.
Prior to that, the body will continue in a funeral procession in a fire brigade car to the cemetery.
Journey and Legacy
Douglas Richer passed away at dawn on Sunday (2), in São José do Rio Preto, interior of São Paulo, due to complications of pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary hypertension.
He had been hospitalized since January 5 at the Rio Preto Base Hospital, where he had been receiving treatment for conditions diagnosed in November 2024.
With a consolidated career in Acre social journalism, Richer began his trajectory on the Contilnet Portal, standing out in the coverage of cultural and social events.
His talent led him to become a reference in the area, interviewing personalities and covering great events.
The impact of his death was felt throughout the state. The Contilnet Notícias portal, where Douglas worked, put a black stripe in mourning for the journalist’s death.
Farewell and Tribute
After a first wake in Rio Branco, in the São Francisco Chapel, the body was translated to Sena Madureira, where the farewell ceremony is still open to the public until the burial.
Douglas Richer leaves a legacy of dedication to journalism and culture of Acre, being remembered as a charismatic professional and committed to his community.