Green tea, right after Black, is the most popular tea in the world. Pita has been for centuries, especially in Asian countries, although its popularity in other corners of the world is constantly growing. And all this by The unique properties of this infusion, because they turn out to be invaluable in the context of health. There is talk, among others, about longevity, slimming support or slowing down brain aging. What other advantages does this popular tea have?
Green tea is a drink that is prepared from Chinese tea leaves undergoing minimal oxidation. It comes from China, but over time she spread into other Asia countries, such as Japan, later to be met almost all over the world. There are many types of green teas available today, which differ from each other due to the conditions of cultivation or method of processing.
You can buy in stores Traditional green leafy teas, but also flavored with jasmine or lotusor enriched with other additions. They also differ from each other because of the region and even a country of origin, because those derived from Japan are also very popular.
The brew of green tea has a characteristic straw color, which is a combination of delicate yellow with greenery. The key to taste and drawing everything the best of this drink is Correct brewing leaves. Brewing too long or flooding them with hot water causes a bitter aftertaste and Reduction of precious properties.
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The properties of this inconspicuous drink have been talked about for centuries. Green tea is still subjected to numerous research and tests, because its next attributes are learned. And all this due to the valuable richness of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. There is a lot of talk about green tea in it contains antioxidants, which They inhibit the action of free radicals responsible for aging the body. They also reduce the risk of many chronic diseases.
In addition Green tea contains caffeine, which is why it is consumed as a reinforcement of coffee for many people. However, it works milder on the body. What’s more, it contains an amino acid, which with caffeine improves brain functionsuch as memory or concentration.
Green tea is also an ally for the health of the cardiovascular systembecause it can help, among other things, lower blood pressure as well as LDL cholesterol. In addition, it is valuable in the context of the immune system, due to the content of vitamins and minerals. It also has many valuable properties for skin care. It soothes, soothing and nourishing, so you can keep a younger and healthier look for longer.
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For some time it has been said more and more About green tea in context . You hear about the spectacular silhouettes of the stars, which they reached with the help of the benefits of drinking green tea. It is worth reaching for it regularly during the slimming process due to the contained in it Catechins that accelerate metabolism and increase fat burning. Drinking green tea combined with physical activity and a balanced diet can contribute to weight reduction.
In addition, green tea is An invaluable ally when it comes to the desire for sweet. This is a special challenge in the context of weight loss. The desire to eat sometimes can be difficult to master, so it’s good to know that green tea can help limit such a desire. It affects Controlling blood sugar levels, stabilizing glucose and thus reducing sudden jumps and energy drops. In addition works on “limiting” appetite, Therefore, the desire to take something sweet becomes much smaller and more possible to master.