The General Court of the European Union (EU) rejected a appeal brought by Ryanair to a state aid of 1.2 billion euros, given to TAP in 2020 during the COVID-19 crisis.
At issue is a state assistance, up to 1.2 billion euros, which Portugal granted TAP Air Portugal, with which the aviation company was intended to be active for six months, and that the European Commission authorized, authorized, according to a statement.
In a first phase, in June 2020, the low -cost Irish company Ryanair contested, having achieved the annulment of the General Court in May 2021, arguing that the community executive had not indicated that the beneficiary belonged to a larger group of companies, What was needed to examine whether TAP SGPS was eligible for emergency aid.
Fixed the error, Brussels again authorized the granting of state aid to TAP in July 2021, referring to today’s judgment, which dismisses Ryanair’s appeal, which were respected the conditions of eligibility for emergency aid.
For the General Court, “the principles of non -discrimination, free provision of services and the freedom of establishment were not violated either”, also note that “Ryanair’s allegations are still rejected that the analysis made by the commission was incomplete and insufficient and that the decision was not sufficiently grounded ”.
COVID-19, an infectious disease caused by the Sars-Cov-2 virus, was first identified in December 2019 in China and became a pandemic, killing millions of people and causing a global crisis.
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